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Sending in a sentence

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Sentence count:175+22Posted:2017-07-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: send inendingbendinglendingpendingmendingtendingoffendingMeaning: [send]  n. the act of causing something to go (especially messages). 
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121. Members of the society were sending 100,000 enquiries a year to its central office about credit worthiness.
122. Your overseas customer will need to provide the bank which is sending the payment with details of your branch and account number.
123. He paid the cost of sending hundreds of library workers' childen to summer camp.
124. It was then that the bullet flew past him, hitting the brass cross and sending the crucifix crashing to the ground.
125. The theory among media honchos is that sending a reporter may cause families to change their minds.
126. Once she told me about sending her kids to boarding school and asked me what I thought.
127. This is like sending Barry Bonds to the plate with the game on the line and having him bunt.
128. Most Peloponnesians probably welcomed the excuse for not sending their main armies north; they had never wanted to.
129. As she passed, her bare arm brushed against his arm, sending a shiver down his spine.
130. Almost immediately, Sprague tags a braking Rezendes in the rear bumper, nearly sending Rezendes into a 180-degree spin.
131. It activated an automatic safety system, sending control rods down into the core of the plant.
132. Why should they be involved in a case where the charges are placing and sending bombs?
133. We were spending an inordinate amount of time sending people to different meetings and not knowing what was going on.
134. There was a 25-minute delay in sending one ambulance but the patient subsequently arrived at hospital safely.
135. The woods beyond the rectory garden consisted mainly of beech trees, very tall, as though sending their branches up to the light.
136. A passing cart rolled by splattering him with mud and Corbett quietly cursed Burnell for sending him here.
137. These were certainly powerful arguments for sending the coach back, but they did not prevail.
138. And what was all that about sending him your regards?
139. Cyber Promotions is in the business of sending bulk e-mail messages advertising various products and services.
140. At its most absurd it might mean that companies could be sued for sending letters to the wrong address.
141. All the banks and the Post Office strongly advise against sending cash. route.
142. Michael kicked him in the back,[] the force of the blow sending Tommy across the dirt-strewn floor.
143. At first, they were sending up sponges every few minutes, filling wooden baskets.
144. The infuriated Abbot put forward a test case by sending a monk with a wagonload of corn across the bridge.
145. The other one began loosing shots into the car, sending bullets slamming into the backs of the seats.
146. General Accident may cancel this policy by sending seven days notice by recorded delivery to your last known address.
147. When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That's the message he is sendingThich Nhat Hanh 
147. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
148. Estrada said he would rather spend his money sending campaign brochures through the mail and handing them out door to door.
149. After a goal-less first half, the game burst into life with a goal and a sending off inside three minutes.
150. Two weeks ago, Leavey glanced at the bank statements NationsBank was sending to Dena.
More similar words: send inendingbendinglendingpendingmendingtendingoffendingspendingunendingdependingascendingimpendingunbendingdefendingpretendingdescendingnever-endingheartrendingcondescendingvending machineuncomprehendingdeficit spendingcondescendinglyending inventoryconsumer spendingdiscretionary spendingend inblend inlanding
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