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Saint in a sentence

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Sentence count:296+6Posted:2016-10-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: angelapotheosiscanonisecanonizeenshrineholy manholy personidealnonesuchnonpareilnonsuchparagonSimilar words: maintainain'tfaintdaintypainterin the mainpaintworkcomplaintMeaning: [seɪnt]  n. 1. a person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization 2. person of exceptional holiness 3. model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal. v. 1. hold sacred 2. declare (a dead person) to be a saint. 
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91, I gave the money to a thankfully dumb-struck fiddle-player on Sauchiehall Street and walked away feeling like some sort of martyred saint.
92, More like troubled at mill Salford says there's more to its patron saint than pictures of matchstick men.
93, The first cabstand in Paris was near the Hotel Saint Fiacre.
94, Men say I am a saInt losing myself in politics.
95, The Saint died a most holy death on May 2, 1459.
96, He met Yves Saint Laurent, then at Dior, and helped him found his own fashion house.
97, Some spoke of Saint Laurent's superb use of color, others muttered about vulgarity.
98, Historians of religion are familiar with these words of Saint Catherine, but one rarely finds them in popular devotional treatises.
99, The Saint was spotted with the movie star in a New York nightclub in 1998.
100, You could see that he would be more than a match for some small female saint with no name.
101, He was running the department from the chair, like Saint Louis dispensing justice from under a tree.
102, He might even pray earnestly to Saint Winifred to protect him, he had the innocent effrontery for it.
103, He says Tutilo killed the man he tricked into helping him to steal away your saint.
104, But maybe even to her husband she shone against the log wall like a saint in a niche.
105, His plight affects us like the unwilling martyrdom of a saint who wants to be like other men.
106, She didn't volunteer any information about where Rohan Saint Yves slept.
107, The Compagnie du Saint Sacrement and the Rosicrucians seem to have been inspired by political as well as spiritual goals.
108, She has been regarded as a patron saint of hares ever since.
109, That woman is the real patron saint of Notre Dame, Fourviere.
109, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
110, How Lord Mountbatten would have relished adding a saint to the other family honours he proudly displayed.
111, The relics of the Saint met their destruction during the reign of Henry VIIl.
112, One particularly macabre statue of Saint Sebastian, arrows poking out of every limb, was given centre stage.
113, Lucy was no saint, but she could forgive him the rough handling.
114, The exact manner in which the body of the Saint was profaned is unknown.
115, Josaphat has the distinction of being the first Eastern saint to be canonized in Rome, in 1876.
116, Reminds me of a piece of graffiti outside Saint Martin-in the-Fields.
117, Scott, who teaches political science at both Saint Francis and Ivy Tech, is making his first bid for elected office.
118, Rather than oppose it, they shrewdly assimilated the stories into the folklore of Christmas and Saint Nicholas.
119, Maxim began driving like a saint on the way to beatification, but with very sub-saintly feelings in his heart.
120, The statue of the patron saint, Francis Xavier, oversees all from behind the altar.
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