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Sadness in a sentence

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Sentence count:208+12Posted:2016-11-30Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: gloominesslugubriousnesssorrowsorrowfulnessunhappinessSimilar words: wretchednesstactlessnessfinessewitnessfitnessshynessbusinessawarenessMeaning: ['sædnɪs]  n. 1. emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being 2. the state of being sad 3. the quality of excessive mournfulness and uncheerfulness. 
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151. There was a marked sadness in articulating this phantasy because it was a shared phantasy about people being together at work.
152. She stopped, her heart full of remorse and sadness and a great, overwhelming love.
153. There seems to be on his face, and in his deep-set eyes, an expression of profound sadness and disillusionment.
154. There is an unutterable sadness around Medina del Campo, where I had to change trains for Salamanca.
155. She felt an aura of sadness around her like a pall.
156. This kind of experience can reinforce our sense of insecurity,( as well as making the burden of sadness unbearably heavy.
157. Good or evil ... These were considered old-fashioned terms in a morally rudderless society, Trent thought with more sadness than bitterness.
158. As Joe Aliff went through his litany of death, his own sadness came into me.
159. Her death left me with a profound sense of sadness.
160. Sadness over mining deaths I FEEL so incredibly sad about the miners who died and were hurt at Wearmouth Colliery.
161. Amid all the pride and sadness,( the people of Candlestick mourned the death of a spirit.
162. Back in her schoolroom, her anger about his exposing children to the sight of whiskey was softened by feelings of sadness.
163. Sara was sad for her, but then the sadness was succeeded by irritation at the old lady's mischief.
164. As he did so, he felt a great sadness, an acute sense of loss, filling his entire being.
165. He joined the people of Britain and Ireland in expressing his own sadness at the carnage.
166. If you laugh at all, it's only to stop the sadness overwhelming you.
167. In the resulting culture of pain, sadness and despair, disenfranchised young men fill the void of personal power with guns.
168. We measure happiness and sadness by momentous things that happened on occasions such as these.
169. But such pain and sadness would be eased by the mega-fortune that the phetam would bring.
170. The sadness was palpable and enveloped us like the dark.
171. However, after that first burst of idea and feeling, it presents a deeper, more mysterious sadness.
172. She is the all-powerful source of satisfaction and frustration, happiness and sadness, love and hate.
173. On the other hand there is sadness at the way an entire productive farm is being inexorably consumed.
174. I think it was a kind of defence mechanism, my way of warding off those waves of sadness.
175. Gabriel forgot his own sadness when he saw the bitterness and deep despair on the farmer's face.
176. With eager anticipation, though her clear golden-brown eyes held a hint of sadness, Luce Weston descended the steps.
177. She knows from inside the sadness of a hospital closure.
178. Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That's its balance. Osho 
179. It is with great sadness that I announce that our marriage is at an end.
180. For this reason affirmative assessment must go beyond seeing anxiety anger, guilt and sadness as simply newly learned reactions.
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