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Rivalry in a sentence

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Sentence count:171+4Posted:2017-03-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: competitioncontentionSimilar words: chivalrycavalryrivalchivalrousarrivalunrivaledprivateprivacyMeaning: ['raɪvlrɪ]  n. the act of competing as for profit or a prize. 
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91. Is there a lot of rivalry among key power holders or is there open respect?
92. This was not the only instance of sibling rivalry in the house of Pelops.
93. There were still tendencies towards national rivalry and arrogance, and these could only be countered by a steadfast policy of internationalism.
94. The other intelligence services also proliferated, and there were dark tales in the clubs and messes of rivalry and hatred.
95. But inter-county rivalry will be of secondary importance for the 23-year-old World Student Games bronze medallist.
96. Physical closeness in the temple workshops may have stimulated friendly rivalry to produce ever-finer works and thus stimulated technical and artistic development.
97. Self-respect stimulated by a little gentle rivalry demanded that all should be the very best available.
98. Rivalry was a rivet piercing through their bones, uniting those in a dansemacabre, a shifting pas de trois.
99. Resentments, rivalry, rebuffs and power struggles appear to have knocked the stuffing out of you and undermined your confidence.
100. Though scholars once thought it was relatively peaceful, the classic Maya world now is viewed as driven by warfare and rivalry.
101. Rivalry between them is unnecessary and tends to disappear once each fully comprehends the other's role.
102. Healthful rivalry among the respective clubs within a congregation. 2.
103. The amount of rivalry, it seems, is not related to the amount of affection children feel for each other.
104. It was this rivalry that allowed the bank to continue to function after the Tampa arrests, much to Mazur's disgust.
105. A former captain of a winning Blues polo team, he still retains some of the rivalry with Oxford.
106. An intense rivalry was to be renewed between Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson in the short sprint.
107. The rivalry between three Ipswich drivers could grab most attention.
108. Whenever there was fighting around Limoges one permanent complicating factor was the rivalry between city and citadel.
109. It was that bitter rivalry that led us to lift our gaze to space-but what we have seen has transfigured us.
110. Intertwined with these were rivalry, power brokering, and patronage.
111. Sibling rivalry is part of the original sin.
112. Sibling rivalry often causes parents anxieties.
113. There is cut-throat rivalry among the supermarkets.
114. But when we fight it's kinda like sibling rivalry.
115. Molly: They have a real sibling rivalry going on.
116. Cultural pluralism, critics contend, promotes rivalry and divisions.
117. a fierce rivalry for world supremacy.
118. Gordon: Sis, why don't we have a sibling rivalry?
118. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
119. They talk about detente, but in actuality they are engaged in intense rivalry.
120. With Dutchman William III on the British throne, there is ambivalence in the traditional rivalry with the Netherlands!
More similar words: chivalrycavalryrivalchivalrousarrivalunrivaledprivateprivacyrevivalsurvivalfestivalcarnivalprivationprivatelyprivatizein privatederivationequivalentambivalentdeprivationequivalenceequivalencyambivalenceprivate sectorprivate schoolprivate propertythe private sectorprivatizationprivatisationrevelry
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