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Reviewer in a sentence

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Sentence count:53+1Posted:2017-04-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: viewerreviewinterviewerpreviewjudicial reviewintervieweebird's eye viewviewMeaning: [rɪ'vjuːə(r)]  n. 1. someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication 2. a writer who reports and analyzes events of the day. 
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31. Unlike an individual resource requirement, it did not matter whether the resource type was set to Staff or not; both tasks were mapped to tasks with work assignment set to Reviewer.
32. Have all the permissions of a Reviewer and may add new items into the folder.
33. Q . How many images does a reviewer have to inspect per night?
34. The purpose of this study is to report writer perceptions of reviewer stances before and after peer review training in an EFL writing class.
35. Li RiHua is a writer(, reviewer and appreciator of late Ming dynasty.
36. Cocoa Bar's owner Masoud Soltani said the reviewer is no longer welcome at all!
37. A later book received a rather discourteous reception in the San Francisco Chronicle, in which the reviewer wrote, "mental unsoundness is everywhere visible in this book.
38. The author would like to thank Dave Mulley for his contribution as a technical reviewer.
39. And that explains why Amazon's reviewer system is so successful.
40. A friendly reviewer can do a world of good for your business.
41. This is not exclusively a problem of reviewer, of course.
42. This paper first used "technocracy" in March 1933, when a book reviewer bemoaned the "lurid prominence" of the term.
42. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
43. Never accuse a reviewer of dishonesty or exaggeration; erroneous claims are often the result of a misunderstanding, not maliciousness.
44. Any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel is preposterous.
45. According to the reviewer, Somek gets it wrong in a number of ways.
46. The following sentence is taken from the weighty judgement of a scholarly reviewer.
47. The contribution by Somek will , naturally, be read critically by an Austrian reviewer.
48. This reviewer must therefore give it a 4 out of 10.
49. Your reviewer found that a chubby woman with a baby in a pushchair partially blocked the view and would not budge.
50. Later I found out from the Internet what every film buff and "Brokeback" reviewer knows: "Red River" is famous for its suggestion of homoerotic behavior on the range.
51. In addition, the loan reviewer needs to have even more detailed customer data, like transaction history and customer credit information, in order to reduce the company's bad loan ratio.
52. E . Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Paper reviewer.
53. The following sentence is taken from the weighty judgment of a scholarly reviewer.
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