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Retractable in a sentence

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Sentence count:57Posted:2017-04-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tractableintractableretractretractileretractionretracedetractdetractorMeaning: [rɪ'træktəbl]  adj. capable of being retracted. 
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31. Product Description: [ Material ] strap is a retractable - type rubber material.
32. Its unique retractable hardtop design allows the car to transform itself at the touch of a button, from a coupe to a convertible, from a targa to a speedster, depending on the driver′s mood.
33. Unlike that benignly daft creature, this real-life surgeonfish in Indonesia carries a sharp retractable blade of bone near the base of its tail.
34. The car features a retractable aluminium hardtop, all - leather interior, and 18 in alloy wheels.
35. At first glance it's merely a wrist band that projects time, much like the Alessi Concept we saw earlier, but then you realize it's actually a phone with a retractable transparent screen at the base.
36. "Unilateral Retractable products", it have got formal patent license at this unilateral retractable device, selling in USA, Europe and Japan now.
37. When not in use, the drinking cup hides the 3 containers on a heating base with retractable cord.
38. The bridge structure is formed by the inside and outside arc end carriage and the upper and lower retractable main girder, with compact structure, light weight and beautiful and dignified appearance.
39. The JZ - 6 features a retractable reconnaissance bay mounted inside the fuselage aft the nose wheel bay.
40. This two-legged model, dubbed the pod attack walker, featured artillery cannons and a third retractable leg used for stability during long-range weapons firing.
41. It also features the unique "malls-within-a-mall" concept with themed shopping areas like Gold Souk, Fashion Island, and The Grove, an indoor-outdoor streetscape with a fully retractable roof.
41. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
42. Retractable structures have been widely adopted in large-sized palaestra and multipurpose buildings.
43. "Unilateral Retractable Device", it have got formal patent license at this unilateral retractable device, selling in USA, Europe and Japan now.
44. For a more intense make - up result, outline lips a retractable Lip Definer before applying Rouge Appeal.
45. They are an alternative to physically variable acoustics, where acoustic properties are changed by retractable curtains and doors opening to reverberant chambers, etc.
46. Deinonychosaurs, such as the velociraptor, walked on two legs, ate meat and had vicious retractable claws.
47. The Z 4 bucks the trend among modern convertibles by forging a retractable hard top.
48. Today already have a retractable line, MP 3 headsets , optical mice, etc. products.
49. After each deposit of veneer on the lift table, core pieces are taken from gluing rolls and laid on the deposited veneer, the end core sheet being supported by a retractable support member.
50. The retractable hardtop is raised and lowered in about thirty seconds with the help of an electric motor and hydraulics.
51. It could be the sleek combination of black furnishings, stone tiled floors and retractable bamboo partitions.
52. One clever innovation that I recently got with my ethernet cable was a retractable spindle.
53. Unlike that benignly daft creature, this real-life surgeonfish in Indonesia carries a sharp retractable blade of bone near the b.
54. Cowboys Stadium is a domed stadium with a retractable roof in Arlington, Texas.
55. Retractable glazing and operable louvers provide low-tech solutions with a high impact design.
56. Due to the particularity of retractable structure, design of this type of project must greatly differ from that of normal structure and be more difficult than the latter.
57. Works on carpet and wood and easy to clean with reusable dust bag. With two push buttons one for power and other for retractable cord. Make life easier.
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