Similar words: screwed, renew, renege, serene, renewable, neoprene, awareness, soreness. Meaning: [rɪ'nuː /-'nju-] adj. restored to a new condition.
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181. That is where renewed creation is being born and where shocks and labour pains are still being felt.
182. At the end of October, egged on by rank-and-file demands for an eight-hour day, the Soviet endorsed renewed strike action.
183. A renewed onslaught against the mutuals seems likely, which could bring windfalls for millions of borrowers, savers and policyholders.
184. Again the enemy pushes through the meadow and up the hill, and the battle is renewed.
185. It's thought that the weather has something to do with the renewed joyriding.
186. She woke next morning - Saturday - with renewed determination.
187. In turn, their active counterparts work with renewed energy and pray for them.
188. The experience is sobering, a renewed effort has to be made to obtain commodes.
189. True, they were seeking certain renewed observances, certain reforms and certain political changes.
190. During his ministry he introduced many innovations which renewed devotion arid inspired the people to the performance of good works.
191. Police have renewed their appeal to the public to join the fight against horse attacks by reporting anything suspicious.
192. Today there is renewed speculation about a consumer market comeback.
193. On the positive side[], perhaps a renewed interest in old school rap can only be a good thing.
194. His misfortunes spurred Galt to write with renewed vigour and until near the end of his life his output was voluminous.
195. Three times they rallied and renewed the assault, only to meet the same fate.
196. Since late 1989, when Steinlager's three-year contract was not renewed, U.S. rugby has been without a principal
197. If you have not renewed yours and wish to do so, contact the office without delay. 15.
198. This renewed severity was bitterly resented by the king's subjects.
199. But media lawyers said there are other possible avenues for mounting a renewed First Amendment attack on the ban.
200. Investors have also shown renewed interest in long-term muni bond mutual funds.
201. It is these images which have gained Rothenberg renewed critical interest.
202. George pulled into a lay-by and gingerly fingered through the wallet with renewed twinges of horror.
203. Connelly flexed his fingers and toes and felt renewed pain, a feeling of weightlessness.
204. On the following day there were further protests but a heavy police presence prevented renewed outbreaks of serious fighting.
205. It is true that warrants to the police in criminal investigations may be renewed only for one month.
206. The renewed fighting comes as international aid agencies gear up to deal with the worst famine to hit the region since 1985.
207. The landlord had not renewed Elgaen's lease, and he couldn't find a favorable north-end location in time.
208. Many teams, including the Cardinals, are showing renewed interest in Stevens, a cornerback from Applachian State.
209. In came renewed assaults on Militant, luncheons in the City and the new emphasis on competition and even markets.
210. It seems this year's surprise chart hit has prompted a renewed interest in the didgeridoo.
More similar words: screwed, renew, renege, serene, renewable, neoprene, awareness, soreness, renegade, gangrene, serenely, frenetic, nonrenewable, solar energy, non-renewable, urban renewal, polystyrene, entrepreneur, nuclear energy, rene descartes, renewable resource, ewe, fewer, jewel, wed, viewer, farewell, skewer, jewelry, wedge.