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Rebuilding in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+1Posted:2017-01-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: buildingbuilding materialsrebuildbuildbuild upbuilderholding outscaldingMeaning: [‚rɪː'bɪld]  n. building again. 
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91. What can you do to start rebuilding the foundations of your marriage?
92. When rebuilding a relationship with a superior, the following suggestions will help you to make a good job of it.
93. This area has seen much urban renewal over the past few years, with £6 million spent on rebuilding and refurbishment programmes.
94. Rebuilding state and local public institutions is a long, complex business.
95. When I finally began rebuilding my program, I was allowed one half-mile run every other day.
96. Also, Iraqi is slowly rebuilding its oil production ability.
97. Aiming to the problems occurring in the process of slag dredger running, rebuilding treatment is processed.
98. Rebuilding a hospital that has been destroyed virtually doubles the initial cost of the facility.
99. Adolf Hitler's favorite architect Albert Speer was tasked with drawing up plans for rebuilding Germany once the war was over.
100. Alas, there's no such thing as a risk - free approach to rebuilding nest egg.
101. The first anti - earthquake regulations were implemented in the rebuilding of Catania.
102. Alison McGee, a biologist with the Nature Conservancy in Georgia, said the Pentagon's commitment allowed local groups to be more ambitious in rebuilding the natural ecosystem.
103. Experts point out that we are now in a period of credit destruction and rebuilding, and the situation of credit is worrying.
104. Check that you haven't broken anything by rebuilding the program and rerunning the test.
105. The rebuilding of the nave was Begun by 1376 and continued intermittently until Tudor times.
106. The Paris Commune is the social rudiments to practice Marx's theory of "rebuilding the individual ownership".
107. The 3 D ultrasound imaging rebuilding of cholecyst, heart, embryo and fetus are realized.
108. In case public fire control facilities and equipage are insufficient or do not fit in with actual demand, efforts should be made on expansion, rebuilding, allocation and purchase or technical reform.
109. Rebuilding the bus protection by stages can improve the reliability and ensure the function of bus protection. But it must pledge that digital variable and physical variable can assort.
110. After 1999, Budgeting Reform in China focus on expenditure management,( aim at rebuilding Government Budgeting System.
111. Now the government is committed rhetorically – and, increasingly, in practice – to rebuilding the social safety net.
112. Rebuilding our national memory is the original drive for writing the trilogy.
113. Rebuilding of the civil liability system of security insider trading in China, an important component of the entire security civil liability system, is very complicated and challengeable.
114. The result shows that the casting splint is better than the regular splint in diffusing occlusive force, improving masticate efficiency and promoting tissue rebuilding.
115. For all the historied campuses, the problem of protection and rebuilding of them is before us.
116. "Ontology of Relationship" by Martin Buber aimed at rebuilding the dimension of "Eternal Thou"in Western philosophy.
117. Conclusion:Hepaticojejunostomy in cervical style is a feasible method for anti-reflux in rebuilding biliary tract.
118. In the usual manner, the planarian stem cells migrated to the site of the wound,( sensed what was missing and began rebuilding.
119. The second stage: rebuilding software with high-level language, this stage includes data structure level mapping and statement level mapping.
120. Objective To investigate the extensor carpi ulnaris extensor pollicis displacement of a rebuilding of thumb opposing function and effect of treatment.
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