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Rear in a sentence

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Sentence count:194+18Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: backcreatefosterhindnurseposteriorproduceraisetrainAntonym: destroyfrontSimilar words: year after yearteargearwearyearhearareaswearMeaning: [rɪr /rɪə]  n. 1. the back of a military formation or procession 2. the side of an object that is opposite its front 3. the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer 4. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on 5. the side that goes last or is not normally seen. v. 1. stand up on the hind legs, of quadrupeds 2. bring up 3. rise up 4. cause to rise up 5. construct, build, or erect. adj. located in or toward the back or rear. 
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151. I argue that rear axle radius location arm must be out of true.
152. They block the rear view of the road and make our quest to recover the tabs all the more difficult.
153. Threats to the rear occur throughout life, although with less frequency and intensity than during childhood.
154. There is a bus depot at the rear of the terminal.
155. The rear suspension linkage on this race bike appears to operate a shock that lies horizontally under the engine.
156. I wonder if you could tell me who could supply parts for the output differential to the second rear axle.
157. A three-piece suite and coffee table occupied the front half, a fitted kitchen and dinette the rear.
158. I got dressed and went into the barn and looked for the old wooden trunk near the rear entrance.
159. For the more serious cases, there was air transport direct to base hospital(, possibly hundreds of miles to the rear.
160. Somebody yelled and threw a can at the cab, hitting it on the rear bumper.
161. More agitation and complexity rear their heads in the second movement, building to a climactic fury.
162. Cut loose from its eyes suddenly, the mind will rear up , spin, retreat.
163. Headroom isn't such a problem, though, and actual rear seat comfort is very good.
164. I hope to rear another barn owl like Dawn some day, from the egg to the jesses.
165. It would regroup and reappear in the rear.
166. I got a ding in my rear fender.
167. The rear bumper diffuser is designed to reduce drag.
168. Angulation front and rear must be balanced and adequate to give forward reach and rear drive.
169. The opposite-pole potential unit includes a pair of conductors (31/32) formed in a tapered shape on the front and the rear surface of the dielectric substrate and mutually capacity-coupled.
170. On frame-type vehicles, two-wheel alignments are taken from the frame and the rear axle is assumed to be in correct alignment.
171. Bring up the rear with the original Puzhao Si Qian Foge, bell tower on the side.
172. The Otterhound moves freely with forward reach and rear drive.
173. Includes a parasol, a canopy, a sun sail, a terry cloth seat cover and a rear textile cover.
174. The rear upper part of the cereal stalk raising case (22) is connected to the raising gear case (71) with a connecting device.
175. We'll bring up the rear and keep an eye out for any surprises.
176. The massive cylindrical striker is located at the rear, hollowed part of the bolt, and has its own spring located under the bolt group return spring.
177. The rear passenger compartment alone is enough to make experienced cops get teary-eyed.
178. The rack - and - pinion steering is sharp, and the torsion beam rear axle gives car a grown - up feel.
179. In the MTS vest-based configuration, the Tactical Mission Controller (TMC)—a low-profile processing platform, peripheral controller and power manager—is carried on the rear of the plate-carrier.
180. Rear Admiral Spruance strolled in and asked what the matter was.
More similar words: year after yearteargearwearyearhearareaswearbeardheartlearnearlyclearearthreadrealbear onnearbybear outwear outwear offtear uptear offat hearton earthhear ofnear tonearlyappearreact
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