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Proximity in a sentence

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Sentence count:212+4Posted:2016-10-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: law of proximitypropinquitySimilar words: approximatelylimitlimitedto the limitlimitationamitysimilarityprobityMeaning: [prɑk'sɪmətɪ /prɒ-]  n. 1. the property of being close together 2. the region close around a person or thing 3. a Gestalt principle of organization holding that (other things being equal) objects or events that are near to one another (in space or time) are perceived as belonging together as a unit. 
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(151) Most commonly, swine influenza is transmitted through direct contact or close proximity with pigs.
(152) A real-world example of the law of proximity from MTV Music Awards 2002.
(153) The principle and structure of Ground Proximity Warning Computer are analysed, based on which, test system structure, software algorithm and key point problem are particularly narrated .
(154) Rapid Fire - decreases weapon reload time of squadmates in your proximity.
(155) This paper describes the UV proximity printing method to fabricate micro-optical elements, such as microlens array, micro-waveguides and high numerical aperture microlens.
(156) The closer the proximity the greater the tendency to avoid eye contact.
(157) It should also draw a good mix of upscale residents who used to shun the area because of its proximity to the Downtown Eastside.
(158) The monument was erected in the proximity of the town hall.
(159) It is found that the neutron skin and the neutron distribution diffusion can explam the influence of the neutron excess degree of freedom on the proximity scaling.
(160) At last I make proximity link protocol simulations under some usual conditions.
(161) Wigner distribution is introduced to analyze non stationary signal, and an application example of validating the simulation model of a proximity fuze is given.
(162) One factor within the crown of monoecious species is the proximity of male and female flowers.
(163) If you do,[] Laccolith Titan deals no combat damage this turn. Proximity guarantees injury or death.
(164) At present, proximity high frequency RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system based on inductive coupling load modulated technology is used worldwide.
(165) Low - voltage switchgear and control gear - - Part 5 - 2 : Control circuit devices and switching elements - Proximity switches.
(166) It is conveniently located in close proximity to the Guangzhou - Shenzhen and Guangzhou - Huizhou Expressways.
(167) The region is a patchwork of ethnic groups living in close proximity.
(168) The inductance of a bypass capacitor depends on its proximity to the reference planes.
(169) However when responding to hazards immobilisation caused less safe driving, with higher speeds, a greater proximity to the hazard before action was taken and less steering adjustment.
(170) The law of proximity posits that when we perceive a collection of objects, we will see objects close to each other as forming a group.
(171) AC resistance of cable conductor is an important factor to calculate the ampacity of cable bundles, and proximity effect factor is an important parameter to affect AC resistance.
(172) This built-in tool will remove most of the gaps on your hard drive and place all your data in close proximity, which saves the operating system time?and that means a faster computer for you!
(173) Fourth, learners'psychological proximity differentiates with reference to the concreteness of target word of learning.
(174) The following list of turbo props and private jets are either based at Gray Butte Field or in close proximity to Gray Butte Field.
(175) How could it be otherwise, given the proximity, day in day out, of hundreds of teenagers, each one a hormone volcano ready to erupt, and their teachers[], many still in their early twenties?
(176) Proximity seeking is commonly interpreted as an index of infant - to - parent attachment.
(177) The projectile flying rotation number is a key parameter to obtain the fuse operating distance in proximity fuse measurement by counting rotation number.
(178) The chain must fold on itself to allow these cysteines to be in close proximity.
(179) We do not have volcanoes (active or not), in the 2000 miles proximity - the whole Carpatians Mountain Chain is entirely non-volcanic.
(180) The distribution of deposition is determined by CSF exposure (proximity to the CSF and volume of CSF) and the presence of microglia thought necessary to produce apoferritin.
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