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Photo in a sentence

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Sentence count:253+22Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: exposurephotographpicSimilar words: photographphotographerphotographyphoneeach othera big shotmetaphortelephoneMeaning: ['fəʊtəʊ]  n. a picture of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material. 
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(181) Often the local press are looking more for a photo opportunity than a story.
(182) Motorists often mistake them for photo radar, which detects speeders, Johnson said.
(183) He also showed the photo of Tweed you sent over with the courier who travelled here by night ferry.
(184) I want you to look at this photo album while we wait for the gyms to open.
(185) The page featured a photo of Joe looking over a piece of copy, cigarette in hand.
(186) A group photo showed his tank company on the eastern bank of the Rhine River.
(187) During the photo shoot, a slow stream of curious tourists and bonafide fans wander up for autographs.
(188) You get great photo opportunities on this tour and interesting commentary from the guide.
(189) I stare at the screen while they show a grainy old black-and-white photo of me, younger, with longer hair.
(190) When she did, on Nov. 2, two plainclothes detectives reported to the photo lab near Kendall Square.
(191) The price of office equipment such as fax machines, photo copiers, answering services and computer networks could climb.
(192) He said he saw the photo of the wood-toting mule and immediately developed an interest in it.
(193) The customer wanted to flip a coin about paying the price for a photo of his daughter.
(194) Because he was too modest to send a photo of himself we hope this will surf ice!
(195) And Mr Ashdown has been projected in photo opportunities across Britain as the best leader the country will never have.
(195) Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
(196) The photo filled the cover, the photo of Cory Aquino in her yellow dress, Woman of the Year.
(197) I had to take my picture in one of them photo booths.
(198) To enter the school, students have to pass a series of hall guards, displaying their photo ID cards.
(199) If you do a photo session and you look ridiculous, it's just one day, you move on.
(200) Sally would leave photos of herself in a special photo album for Hannah and call home frequently.
(201) In a bygone era the postmen and staff of Frensham Post Office lined up for this photo call.
(202) I abhor smugness, passivity, caste system. write with recent photo.
(203) It was a photo of everyone in my class, with the school building in the background.
(204) In the photo Glover was as stooped as ever, a trained bear on hind legs.
(205) The identification card should have a clearly identifiable photo and logo.
(206) Photo: Henley Standard George Piggott 1978, aged 76, who remembers the course in 1915.
(207) Photo: Pam Meecham, 1999 when she was a young graduate at Yale University.
(208) Doesn't matter what creed or colour you are, as long as you are mad! 16-18. Send photo and letter now.
(209) Some of this light is reflected and measured by a photo diode in the ring.
(210) Suppose she did carry his photo with the horse, not Fiona's, who's the owner, after all.
More similar words: photographphotographerphotographyphoneeach othera big shotmetaphortelephonemotora lot ofgo togethergo to sleepprotocolgo to piecesso to speak
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