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Photo in a sentence

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Sentence count:253+22Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: exposurephotographpicSimilar words: photographphotographerphotographyphoneeach othera big shotmetaphortelephoneMeaning: ['fəʊtəʊ]  n. a picture of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material. 
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(151) Toning Whoever heard of any of them being groomed by a fashion editor and strapped into toning pinks for a photo call?
(152) There's a photo of a cat sitting on a chair, licking its paws.
(153) Most never really progress beyond the photo opportunity stage of involvement.
(154) Letter 9 I get out your photo with the chipmunk face and kiss it.
(155) Maybe a goodbye photo, I mused on the way over.
(156) Posturing while she checks her lip gloss. Photo opportunity with the dying.
(157) If you want to get out the old photo albums, you're going to have to dig in the bottom of that trunk.
(158) They come out in large numbers and create a great photo opportunity when rising out of the snow.
(159) Or send a photo of your younger siblings and watch their faces light up when they see themselves in this animated adventure.
(160) The correct item was the one following either a photo frame, a vase or a window.
(161) He showed me a photo of his wife, in the hope that I might have seen her.
(162) The display can be further extended by incorporating 2 large photo panels: again this depends on the size of the venue.
(163) The photo showed the captive sitting down, encircled by several armed men.
(164) I had the impression - fleeting, I grant you - that the photo had come from one of the pockets.
(165) I have an old photo of my parents dancing a waltz.
(166) Aimed at the amateur,( this new generation of cameras and film is called the Advanced Photo System.
(167) Just look at the hairstyles in this photo -- they're so dated!
(168) It plays the instrumentals over a photo of the artist.
(169) Recent photo opportunities have shown both candidates replicating famous Benito Mussolini images of harvesting crops and embracing children.
(170) I have to wear make-up on stage or on photo shoots.
(171) The rest of the day is a blur of photo shoots, speeches, interviews and endless briefings with his managers.
(172) In one example, a couple whose young daughter had died had her image erased from a family photo.
(173) Dole has been more adept at seizing photo opportunities in his out-of-town forays.
(174) He looked at the photo, and then he looked at Carl carefully and for a long time.
(175) Her photo album was saved, but she lost everything else in the fire.
(176) I went through the photo album ten, eleven times, seeing nothing.
(177) Latest polls suggest Sunday's election will be a photo finish.
(178) We got all the family together for a group photo.
(179) She looked at it and saw the photo of Harald and Carl.
(180) As I took a photo, Igor said it looked like Kosovo.
More similar words: photographphotographerphotographyphoneeach othera big shotmetaphortelephonemotora lot ofgo togethergo to sleepprotocolgo to piecesso to speak
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