Similar words: philosophical, philosophy, theosophy, sophism, sophistry, sophisticated, sophistication, unsophisticated. Meaning: [fɪ'lɑsəfə(r) /-'lɒ-] n. 1. a specialist in philosophy 2. a wise person who is calm and rational; someone who lives a life of reason with equanimity.
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181. The simply thought which the ideal of rite contained by implements, arouse Chinese philosopher to think the relation of Tao and concrete thing.
182. Hegel was not the only important post - Kantian Philosopher.
183. Hegel, as well as the other German classical philosopher, seeks to build an ideal social model to adjust the individual-society contradictions.
184. But Herbert Marcuse, as a famous philosopher of Frank school thought, stood the opposition of the society and viewed the real features of modern people.
185. Philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras of the music see the mathematical problem.
186. Bertrand Russell ( 1872 - 1970 ) was an internationally famous British philosopher.
187. The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard would life be divided into three stages, namely: the aesthetic stage, the stage of moral and religious stages.
188. Induction validity has questioned by philosopher David Hume in United Kingdom. There existed a lot of argument in certificate to induction validity on philosophy history.
189. Cleanthes, who was a Stoic philosopher and also known as the water-carrier, worked by night so that he could do philosophy by day.
190. Mr. Henry Norn 's Russell was not only a philosopher or a mathematician, but also an educator.
191. Proposed by the British philosopher Jeremy Bentham ( 1748 -1832), the principal of utility is based on happiness and was seen as being a scientific approach to morality.
192. American philosopher Charles · S · Peirce fully advances the semiotic concepts and categories.
193. "THERE are three ways of being an unfilial son," argued Mencius, an ancient Confucian philosopher. "The most serious is to have no heir."
194. On the cover of one of my books, Up from Eden, was a quote from Rollo: "Ken Wilber is the most passionate philosopher I know."
195. So the job of a good philosopher of his kind is to help make us our ideas clear And to do that, he worked out a logical system.
196. A famous ancient Hebraic philosopher once said, "If you wish to catch 'the invisible', you will have to explore 'the visible' more deeply."
197. Pre - Socratic natural Philosopher, member of the Ionian School.
198. Immanuel Kant ( 1724 - 1804 ) was an immensely innovative and influential philosopher.
199. Continuing on the risk theme, I mentioned one philosopher, Robert Owen.
200. Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American philosopher, lecturer, essayist, and poet, best remembered for leading the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century.
201. The inventor, philosopher, and futurist was the fifth generation of his family to enroll at Harvard and the first not to graduate.
202. The soul of the true philosopher, which has, in life, been liberated from thraldom to the flesh, will, after death, depart to the invisible world, to live in bliss in the company of the gods.
203. At the forefront of the pioneers in the field was the Greek mathematician and philosopher Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. AD 90 ?168), more popularly known to history as Ptolemy.
204. Fiske:american historian and philosopher known for his writings on religion and science, especially Excursions of an Evolutionist (1884).
205. The most influential example of consequential moral reasoning is Utilitarianism, a doctrine invented by Jeremy Bentham, the 18th century English political philosopher.
206. Immanuel Kant is no doubt a difficult and, as Peter Rickman argues in his article, often misunderstood philosopher.
206. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
207. A prominent 19 th - century philosopher, Thomas Carlyle , predicted a renaissance in our time.
208. The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein thinks that: For people, the language is the world. All that can be spoken out are exist.
209. Cosmological and teleological arguments have come under sustained criticism, notably by Scottish philosopher David Hume, noted empiricist and skeptic.
210. He was known as Weeping Philosopher and Heraclitus the Obscure.
More similar words: philosophical, philosophy, theosophy, sophism, sophistry, sophisticated, sophistication, unsophisticated, philologist, pedophile, philodendron, pedophilia, bibliophile, philadelphia, esophagus, sophomoric, uphill, prophet, prophecy, prophesy, philander, prophetic, philippic, philately, apostrophe, philistine, catastrophic, catastrophe, philippines, philatelist.