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Philosopher in a sentence

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Sentence count:239+7Posted:2017-05-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: philosophicalphilosophytheosophysophismsophistrysophisticatedsophisticationunsophisticatedMeaning: [fɪ'lɑsəfə(r) /-'lɒ-]  n. 1. a specialist in philosophy 2. a wise person who is calm and rational; someone who lives a life of reason with equanimity. 
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151. The times calls philosopher and economist alliance, build economic philosophy.
152. R. Buckminster Fuller was a twentieth century scientist, philosopher, inventor, and was also named a great architect.
153. Letters between Hannah Arendt, a female philosopher of the 20th century and Karl Jaspers , a male philosopher are the first volume rich in content and published completely.
154. Ibn Sina, medieval islamic philosopher. Healing: The Directives and Deliverance.
155. Democritus, who was a great materialism philosopher in ancient Greek, had plentiful systemic thought which concerned with social philosophy, of which ethic is one of the important content.
156. One of Conrad's sea-dog narrators pieces together the story of Axel Heyst, benign hermit and amateur philosopher, who isolates himself from humanity on an island in the East Indies.
157. The Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu said "The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."
158. Almost every great occident philosopher discussed this problem after Descartes.
159. Martin Heidegger, the existentialist philosopher, has explored the origin and essence of modem technology from the perspective of ontological significance of existence.
160. I once had the privilege of meeting the late philosopher CLR James.
161. Finally, based on the theory of paradigm, which put for ward by famous philosopher of science Kuhn, Thomas S. in 1962, the author propose his own superficial solution to grue paradox.
162. The rise of modern science may perhaps be considered to date as far back as the time of Roger Bacon(1), the wonderful monk and philosopher of Oxford(2), who lived between the years 1214 and 1292.
163. Another early petition was presented by John Stuart Mill, the philosopher, political economist and Member of Parliament, in 1866.
164. And the idea crops up again in the works of Thomas Hobbes, a 17th-century philosopher, and Erasmus Darwin (Charles's grandfather), who lived in the 18th.
165. Soren Kierkegaard,The Great Leap of Faith, the nineteenth century philosopher.
166. The process philosophy created by Alfred North Whitehead, an American philosopher, had an important effect on modern western philosophy with its arguing against traditional essentialism.
167. 'Well, for my own part, ' said the Woodpecker, who was a born philosopher, 'I don't care an atomic theory for explanations.
168. And his philosophical musings influenced a much later, left-handed thinker: German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche.
169. Arguably the most famous exponent of this worry in the Western philosophical tradition is the seventeenth-century French philosopher Rene Descartes.
170. Being as a basic problem of philosophy,( Martin Heidegger thought that has been forgotten by philosopher from Greek era to nowadays in western history.
171. The consolidation of the group's beliefs in unifying aesthetic concerns occurred under the influence of the philosopher G. E. Moore (1873-1958).
172. English philistinism continues to flourish, not least when the words "French philosopher" are uttered.
173. My young lady was no philosopher, and no paragon of patience.
174. This steep- sloped amphitheater was built around A. D. 160 by Greek philosopher and rhetorician Herodes Atticus as a tribute to his wife.
175. As David Hume, the great Scottish philosopher, argued, the monetary mechanism is one way of achieving this outcome.
176. Adler was influenced by the philosopher Hans Vaihinger who proposed that people live by many fictional ideals that have no relation to reality and therefore cannot be tested and confirmed.
176. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
177. The project's directors, Peter Singer, the Princeton ethicist, and Paola Cavalieri, an Italian philosopher, regard apes as part of a "community of equals" with humans.
178. Jin Yuelin is not only the most accomplished philosopher and logician, but also an outstanding educationist of modern China.
179. The most important philosopher of categorically moral reasoning is the 18th century German philosopher Immanuel Kant.
180. The philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre pointed out that depression is like a spell that a person casts over the world to make it utterly gray and uninteresting.
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