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Pedicled in a sentence

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Sentence count:95Posted:2020-07-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pediclearticled clerkradiclearticledpedicabpedicelpedicurepedicular
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31. To provide anatomic basis of cranial outer table flap pedicled with the occipital artery for occipitocervical fusion.
32. A reversed radial thenar island flap pedicled with the TLDA can be designed to repair soft tissue defect of the volar side of the thumb.
33. Methods Planed femorotibial and patellar joint surface of the hemophilic knee were covered with double fascia flaps pedicled by joint branch and latent branch of top knee arteria.
34. The blood supply of proximal fibular epiphysis pedicled only with lateral inferior genicular artery was enough.
35. Conclusion: The transposition of the medial semi clavicular flap pedicled with sternocleidomastoid branches of the superior thyroid artery for repairing the bone defects of mandible is feasible.
36. Objective To study the anatomic basis of trapezius myocutaneous flap pedicled with transverse cervical artery (TCA).
37. Objective To discuss the method to repair the defects of palm with the improved flaps pedicled with the dorsal carpal branch of ulnar artery.
38. Objective : To provide anatomic basis for clavicular flap pedicled with anterior bundle of deltoid muscle ( ADM ) .
39. Methods The kidney fixation was used to treat nephroptosis by means of the pedicled muscle psoas major with muscle film petal.
40. Objective : To report the clinical result of pedicled wedge - shaped lumber vertebral lamina osteotomy flap replantation.
41. Conclusions: The transposition of external malleolus periosteum bone flap pedicled with external malleolus anterior artery can be designed to plerosis the injured talus.
42. Conclusion The transplantation of lateral segment spine of scapular flap pedicled with the acromial branch of suprascapular artery was feasible.
43. Conclusion On the condition that the intestinal tract is unobstructed , the labiate intestinal fistula can be cured by packing the fistula orifice with pedicled straight muscle of abdomen flap.
44. Flat round fruit, fruit large, orange-red peel, Near pedicled Department occasional constriction, meat thin, sweet, seedless , easy deastringented.
45. Objective To estimate clinical effect of spin iliac deep vascular pedicled periosteum flap in repairing traumatic femoral neck of theca inside fracture in young and middle-aged.
46. Objective: To provide anatomical basis for the reverse transposition of soleus musculocutaneous flap pedicled with peroneal vessels to repair tissue defect in the middle and low segments of the leg.
47. Objective To evaluate the curative effect of derma and fat combined pedicled superficial temporal fascia flap for reconstruction of facial depression.
48. ObjectivesTo investigate the clinical efficacy for treatment of the unhealed old femoral neck fractures in youth by transplantation of pedicled bone flap with deep iliac circumflex artery.
49. Objective: To introduce a fascial pedicled web space flap for correcting congenital simple syndactyly.
50. Objective: To provide anatomic basis for the application of reverse-flow flap pedicled with saphenous nerve and its nutrient vessels.
51. Objective To study the clinical effects of repair of soft tissue defects at the lower limbs by transplanting the retrograde island skin flap pedicled with saphenous nerve and nutrient vessel.
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52. Conclusion:Periosteal flap pedicled with descending branch of LFCA could repair femoral neck fracture, nonunion of middle of distal femur and ischemic necrosis of femoral head.
53. Methods The whole-palate flap pedicled with the unilateral greater palatine artery was used to repair 25 cases of oral soft tissue defects.
54. To provide anatomic basis for the transposition of the proximal lateral humerus periosteal flap pedicled with the lateral descending branch of the anterior humeral circumflex artery.
55. Methods Basing on the anatomic study, the author designed the greater trochanter bone flap pedicled with middle gluteal muscle branch of lateral femoral circumflex vessel for the treatment of INFH.
56. Conclusions:The medial pedal flap pedicled with the above axis vessels can be used for the repair of skin defects at the dorsal, plantar, heel and the malleolar regions.
57. Objective To explore the applications of ipsilateral reverse fascial pedicled posterolateral lower leg flap in foot defect repair.
58. Objective: To provide anatomy basis for the transposition of the complex tissue flap pedicled with the subscapular artery.
59. Objective To introduce the use of the pedicled buccal fat pad in reconstruction of defects of the retromolar tissue due to resection of tumors.
60. Objective: To evaluate the effects of nasolabial skin flap pedicled on the infraorbital vessels in nasal defect reconstruction.
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