Similar words: yours, hours, course, nurse, burst, curse, purse, bursa. Meaning: [aʊəz] pron.1. (a form of the possessive case of we used as a predicate adjective): Which house is ours? 2. that or those belonging to us: Ours was given second prize. Ours are in the car..
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121. Do you think ours is an island where people have no interest in rights and constitutional questions, unlike elsewhere?
122. Tribe was being marketed to the same audience as De La, and that audience was ours as well.
123. But all important ones must pass through that process, and ours certainly falls into that class.
124. The taxi driver was a friend of ours so we were able to relax driving to the Airport.
125. This list is not ours - it was composed by your reviewer.
126. Our chaps can't see their chaps, but their chaps can't see ours.
127. This fear became a regrettable visitor on certain anniversaries, my birthday, for instance, or I should say ours.
128. That describes many thousands of high school basketball players, all across this land of ours.
129. We need to learn to accept people who have different beliefs from ours.
130. And their suicide rate is two to three times higher than ours in every age category.
131. One reason is that the tax codes of other countries encourage savings, while ours discourages it.
132. Ours, after all, was not a marriage arranged by a matchmaker or by our parents.
133. Opinions have caused more ills than the plague or earthquakes on this little globe of ours. Voltaire
134. We are going along at top speed, because we are using all ours up just as fast as we can.
135. Plastics in the Age of Mrs Robinson is acrylics in ours.
136. In this new liberated world of ours it is not enough to devote yourself to your scholarly pursuits.
137. It's a completely different department from ours, but they occupy that part of the building for good reasons.
138. Ours is a crisis not only of Western culture and technology,[] but of all other cultures.
139. The average citizen can enhance his or her own knowledge about agencies like ours.
140. The little boy had left his table and was coming over to ours.
141. There is some discrepancy between your records and ours.
142. They came to conclusions diametrically opposed to ours.
143. These interests would in all probability diverge from ours.
144. Eskimo's life differs in many ways from ours.
145. This is tremendous to ours invigorate and lash.
146. It's good that your plans chime in with ours.
147. What share of market is rightfully ours?
148. Their situation compared unfavourably with ours then.
149. Hey! Somebody put their poster on top of ours.
150. Ours is a small county.
More similar words: yours, hours, course, nurse, burst, curse, purse, bursa, cursor, pursue, burst in, nursing, nursery, recourse, of course, cursory, pursuit, by yourself, on all fours, disburse, discourse, small hours, precursor, reimburse, racecourse, after hours, burst into, excursion, in due course, discursive.