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Ours in a sentence

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Sentence count:196+21Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: yourshourscoursenurseburstcursepursebursaMeaning: [aʊəz]  pron.1. (a form of the possessive case of we used as a predicate adjective): Which house is ours? 2. that or those belonging to us: Ours was given second prize. Ours are in the car.. 
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151. Many countries precede ours in per capita income.
152. Their house was noticeably warmer than ours.
153. They invariably overestimate their own strength and underestimate ours.
154. We must invigorate this nation of ours.
155. It is ours now for the asking and claiming.
156. The house adjacent to ours is under repairs.
157. It is good that their plans chime in with ours.
158. Ours is not a pure price economy but a mixed economy.
159. Making development constantly, creation and harmonized homeland are the believing s of ours.
160. This one tide won't lag behind because of ours and backwater.
161. The biggest problem was that Italy starting pitcher was good and ours was bad.
162. Please proceed as advise in ours 28 th unless hearing contrarily meantime.
163. From this[], coursed ours thought 2003 sars ( SARS ) the event.
164. Love is the golden thread that ties the hearts of ours.
165. The trade route is ours, guaranteed by treaty with the king.
166. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country.
167. Our movie projector is of top quality and few other brands can compare with ours.
168. No one knows what ancient savage ancestor of ours first begin to make use of
169. Following the assassination of Martin Luter king ours was an unquiet nation.
170. Our boyfriend's clothes make us look elfin & gorgeous. Guys look like complete idiots in ours.
171. It's very uncomfortable living in a dirty hovel like ours.
172. The world was a mirror of ours, one person's life was a refraction to his hypostasis.
173. Not as good as ours, mind you, but they were passable.
174. Ours are deluxe furnished apartments with wall - to - wall carpeting and brandnew dishwashers.
175. My endearment of, New Year's Day, can you remember today is ours matrimony anniversary?
176. Ours the white sinlessness of Desdemona, and ours, also, the sin of Iago.
177. A team as good as ours should be able to mop the floor with any competitor.
178. Where things are wrongly transplanted and unsuited to this land of ours, there must be changes.
179. But their cardiovascular system is an excellent model for ours.
180. We have found your brand name is the same as ours through preliminary examination.
More similar words: yourshourscoursenurseburstcursepursebursacursorpursueburst innursingnurseryrecourseof coursecursorypursuitby yourselfon all foursdisbursediscoursesmall hoursprecursorreimburseracecourseafter hoursburst intoexcursionin due coursediscursive
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