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Operations in a sentence

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Sentence count:177+18Posted:2017-04-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: operationAND operationcooperationoperationalconsiderationiterationreparationsalterationMeaning: [‚ɑpə'reɪʃn /‚ɒp-]  n. financial transactions at a brokerage; having to do with the execution of trades and keeping customer records. 
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91. The waste disposal industry is finding it difficult to convince the public that its operations are safe.
92. How many hands do you think to swell your operations?
93. There was no danger of transmitting the infection through operations.
94. The casino was used as a front for cross-border smuggling operations.
95. The company has manufacturing or distribution operations in 33 countries worldwide.
96. By streamlining operations, they took the proper, decisive action.
97. Operations were carried out under light ether anaesthesia.sentence dictionary
98. Smith transformed GM's ailing European operations in the '80s.
99. Christopher will direct day-to-day operations.
100. Advancement may be accelerated by participation in company training programs to gain a broader knowledge of company policy and operations.
101. Those highly visible operations, which featured heavily armed government forces using aggressive pressure tactics, ended in deadly violence.
102. The overseas operations of Wang have not filed for bankruptcy.
103. It identifies key issues directly affecting the company and gives advice on strategy or operations.
104. Teesside Operations is co-operating fully with all local and regulatory authorities in various studies to identify the causes of poor health.
105. Copper Creek Road is straight ahead, but may be closed for mining operations.
106. International research tends to involve analyzing international data, rather than acquiring first-hand knowledge about international operations in other countries.
107. The company's hotels are run as autonomous units, and their operations are only co-ordinated to a limited extent.
108. In local news, the battle lines between rival news operations are being blurred even more.
109. For Fleet, which has recently made big acquisitions, the move clears an obstacle in integrating its multi-state operations.
110. For operations in the region of space from Earth out to the asteroid belt, we need only extract water.
111. Such appeals were virtually impossible before an order in April 1996 by now-Chief of Naval Operations Adm.
112. The loan applicant needs assurance that his proposals for future operations are soundly based.
113. The sale is part of Unilever's withdrawal from many of its agribusiness operations.
114. But computerised turnstile operations have made it almost impossible to fiddle the attendance figures in modern times.
115. Logistic considerations make the Moon a very attractive base of operations if ice is abundant in the lunar polar regions.
116. Where our Investigation Department operations involved shipping and small craft we were the specialists to whom they could turn for practical assistance.
117. The company's stay was fairly brief, for in 1908 operations ceased and the mill was put up for auction.
118. He needed 48 pints of blood during 5 1/2 hours of emergency operations and lost 3st during his battle to recover.
119. The methodologies are also applicable to existing operations and to rehabilitation or expansion projects.
120. In addition 60,000 operations had been cancelled or postponed and 75,000 outpatient appointments had been cancelled.
More similar words: operationAND operationcooperationoperationalconsiderationiterationreparationsalterationliberationdesperationexonerationlacerationtolerationfederationvenerationgenerationconsecrationexasperationenumerationalliterationvituperationdemonstrationdeliberationincarcerationexaggerationcommiserationobliterationregenerationremunerationacceleration
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