Similar words: operation, AND operation, cooperation, operational, consideration, iteration, reparations, alteration. Meaning: [‚ɑpə'reɪʃn /‚ɒp-] n. financial transactions at a brokerage; having to do with the execution of trades and keeping customer records.
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151. He also agreed to revise training operations to quell noise that Okinawans have complained about for years.
152. The heroic and hum-drum, the fun and the tragedies, all are recounted in this eye-witness account of Bomber Command operations.
153. Many people expressed alarm at the plans, seeing possible conflicts with flying operations from the Imperial Museum's airfield.
154. A full appreciation of intentions in moral judgments begins to develop around the transition from concrete to formal operations.
155. This would drastically alter the emphasis of most campaign fund-raising operations and increase the ability of individuals to affect the outcomes.
156. Can we arrange that all the necessary operations of Turing machines can be carried out using just arithmetic?
157. In the years that followed it expanded operations without seeking local approval,( earning little goodwill in Guadalcazar.
158. Mr Wilson said Nerco had already started disposing of the gold and silver operations.
159. They were tying up vast amounts of capital in their trucking and warehousing operations.
160. Virtually everyone who works for an enterprise from time to time will acquire information from the environment of potential value to its operations.
161. The product identifier should be noted carefully and either the identifier or the title used in all further operations for this product.
162. Standard is selling most of its continental commercial banking operations to WestLB for £100m.
163. Two important intellectual operations that develop are seriation and classification, which form the basis of number concepts.
164. Most important, the concrete operational child attains reversibility of mental operations.
165. The original intention was to hive off assembly operations to sub-contractors.
166. The new operations division organisation is also allied to the change process.
167. Although the prototype currently simulates these activities, actual airline operations will be used in production models.
168. As soon as the political problem was resolved, he released military operations from their state of suspended animation.
169. Moral reasoning similarly reaches full development with the attainment of formal operations.
170. Tests using Auto cad bore this out with an overall 55% increase in shade operations falling to 16% in subtract operations.
171. There are already 80 casino operations and owners fear the star's Vegas-style resort will bankrupt them by luring away gamblers.
172. Some current assets are by nature needed to maintain the company operations and would not normally be available to meet short-term obligations.
173. Mueller thus gained immediate planning control of world wide operations, even before he had formally received top management approval to proceed.
174. Oversee facilities planning, maintenance, and custodial operations.
175. To convert a process or equipment to automatic operations.
176. That's John Gibb, operations chief for New York Emergency Management.
177. Some other materials are added to facilitate extrusion and other manufacturing operations.
More similar words: operation, AND operation, cooperation, operational, consideration, iteration, reparations, alteration, liberation, desperation, exoneration, laceration, toleration, federation, veneration, generation, consecration, exasperation, enumeration, alliteration, vituperation, demonstration, deliberation, incarceration, exaggeration, commiseration, obliteration, regeneration, remuneration, acceleration.