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Newcastle in a sentence

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Sentence count:246+2Posted:2018-08-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: carry coals to Newcastlecastleforecastleair castlesandcastlecastle in spaincastle in the aira castle in the airMeaning: n. a port city in northeastern England on the River Tyne; a center for coal exports (giving rise to the expression `carry coals to Newcastle' meaning to do something unnecessary). 
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61) Police boarded the Aberdeen to Newcastle plane after the pilot radioed for help.
62) Newcastle were actually shorter odds than Leeds at the start of the season, which was equally ridiculous.
63) Micky Hazard took a knock at Newcastle and will have a late check.
64) I tried to reply straight to you, but according to the postmaster here at Newcastle, you don't exist!!!
65) He studied chemistry at Newcastle Mechanics' Institute in the 1830s.
66) He prefers student accommodation in towns with universities, such as Nottingham or Portsmouth, Leicester and Newcastle.
67) But filo pastry is available in the North, because this week's winning recipe comes from Newcastle upon Tyne.
68) Actors from the popular children's series - shot in and around Newcastle - presented trophies to class winners and signed autographs.
69) They contacted Newcastle University's archaeology department which sent a team down to investigate.
70) Newcastle City now includes the very wealthy suburb of Gosforth.
71) The Nisa store visited in Newcastle had the cheapest prices overall.
72) You could go to Newcastle or York shopping and be back in time to do the school run.
73) Pool are helping former Newcastle United midfield player Michael Parkinson to recover from injury.
74) He suffered head and shoulder injuries and was treated at Newcastle General Hospital.
75) There are also strong geographical variations with a particularly heavy concentration in certain inner-city areas, for example Inner London and Newcastle.
76) Speaking at it's annual conference in Newcastle, Co Down[], he said it was real evidence of customer satisfaction.
77) United's youth development officer was called in by Newcastle manager Kevin Keegan on Friday and told he was being fired.
78) Teams from Teesside, Durham and Newcastle universities are carrying out the research.
79) Scott Lamb is back in their ranks after a spell with Newcastle.
80) Miss Scott and her father are now being cared for by Newcastle social services in a home for vulnerable people.
81) In a Newcastle study, more than 70 percent of first illegitimate pregnancies were followed by another.
82) The biggest single grant of £7,000 went to David Massingham Dance towards a dance residency in Newcastle.
83) In addition, London needed a large quantity of fuel - particularly coal - much of which came down the coast from Newcastle.
84) The Newcastle prescribing index was calculated from item and cost information.
85) He came to Teesside from Newcastle where he ran a fine art print workshop.
86) Newcastle manager Kevin Keegan is also looking for a new striker.
87) Leicester's Geordie boss Brian Little, in contrast,( paraded his strongest side but they rarely threatened Newcastle.
88) Wirral-born Mike joined the company in 1979 from Newcastle University where he gained a chemical engineering degree.
89) Robin Smith has been appointed head of postgraduate programmes at Newcastle Polytechnic's business school.
90) Hamilton was remanded on bail by a judge at Newcastle Crown Court.
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