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Newcastle in a sentence

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Sentence count:246+2Posted:2018-08-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: carry coals to Newcastlecastleforecastleair castlesandcastlecastle in spaincastle in the aira castle in the airMeaning: n. a port city in northeastern England on the River Tyne; a center for coal exports (giving rise to the expression `carry coals to Newcastle' meaning to do something unnecessary). 
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91) There were some brief notes to Rose - from Sheffield, Newcastle and other Northern towns.
92) However, it was still fairly disconcerting to receive some information yesterday from a Newcastle public relations company.
93) I concede that the Newcastle doctors may be ignorant but there is no excuse for you.
94) The lighting engineer boosts his £15,000 basic pay with bonuses for being on call at Newcastle upon Tyne all through the night.
95) Geophysics is a strongly featured subfield in Durham, and palaeontology at Newcastle.
96) Newcastle, however, refused to lie down and put Ipswich under heavy pressure in the last 10 minutes.
97) Newcastle edged ahead again in the 31st minute when defender Kevin Scott hooked home from close range.
98) Long distance trains from Darlington to Hartlepool or Newcastle to Carlisle should arrive within ten minutes.
99) Mr Hartley, in his final year studying community arts at Newcastle, had been seeing Miss Harrison for about a year.
100) According to Bradford's local paper, 3 or four clubs were contacted about Gascoigne including Newcastle.
101) With rare exceptions, they were nominated essentially by the local aristocracy, particularly by the Duke of Newcastle.
102) A Newcastle school aims to open a shop to sell pupils' bright ideas.
103) Newcastle were brought down to earth when Brendan O'Connell earned Barnsley a 1-0 victory.
104) The course developed by Newcastle poly which should become Northumbria University next month is a one-stop route to becoming a trainee solicitor.
105) He's a commercial traveller and the wife's a cook in a Newcastle hotel.
106) Newcastle ace Dyer aggravated a long-standing shin problem in Saturday's 1-0 home defeat to Manchester City.
107) City were content to sit back on their lead, and Newcastle lacked the pace or imagination to break them down.
108) Margy comes from Newcastle and speaks with a Geordie accent.
109) He was conditionally discharged by Newcastle magistrates in December after admitting assaulting railway worker John Beach.
110) Len Gatoff, a partner with Touche Ross in Newcastle, was appointed receiver.
111) This is the key preliminary finding of a study conducted by scientists from the University of Newcastle.
112) Some hon. Members from Newcastle and Teesside have nothing but ill to say about development corporations.
113) Newcastle were the Cup holders, had been in the final five times in seven years and were three times League champions.
114) Newcastle have £6m worth, and are hoping that Sir John's proposed rescue package helps them out.
115) At Newcastle station, the buffet was closed and some one stole his wallet.
116) In Newcastle, the waiting list is a staggering 10,000, with 800 families on the homeless list.
117) Newcastle held their annual general meeting last night behind closed doors.
118) The case will be heard in the Newcastle District registry on March 5.
119) Oxford hammered runaway First Division leaders Newcastle 4-2 after scoring two goals in the opening eight minutes.
120) Ipswich v Newcastle Ipswich's ex-Norwich winger Donowa makes his full League debut for his home-town team.
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