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Network in a sentence

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Sentence count:291+16Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: electronic networkmeshmeshingmeshworknetwebSimilar words: workat workworksworkoutwork outworkerwork upwork offMeaning: [ˈnetwɜːk]  n. 1. an interconnected system of things or people 2. (broadcasting) a communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same programs 3. an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals 4. a system of intersecting lines or channels 5. (electronics) a system of interconnected electronic components or circuits. v. communicate with and within a group. 
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241. The state-run telephone company now says it wants to run its own cellular network.
242. Breeders have established their own intelligence network in a bid to combat the crime.
243. Thus, if the second-messenger network were to enter a domain of chaotic behavior, chaotic variation in membrane potential would result.
244. The Democracy Network would use cable, telephone, television, and computer transmissions.
245. This effectively creates a limited number of entry points into the backbone and simplifies network management.
246. They compete for the savings of the general public through a network of high street branches.
247. Rules were relaxed to allow the first privately owned locomotives unlimited access to the national rail network.
248. Verio provides around-the-clock network monitoring and technical support with all promotional packages.
249. Each species was loosely interconnected to the others in a kind of vast distributed network.
250. The various businesses, social institutions and tourist attractions will be accessible via the network.
251. The focus of the South Eastern canal network was London.
252. Although it is already technically possible for network administrators to monitor Internet traffic, such tracking has been difficult to do.
253. It therefore reproduces the linear small-signal response of any four-terminal network and is appropriately referred to as the Z-parameter equivalent circuit.
254. It's not as if I worked for a large network news show.
255. Little attention has been paid to building a road network.
256. The network will give access to both national and international carriers.
257. It currently receives the federal appropriations for public broadcasting and is prohibited by law from producing programs or operating a network itself.
258. However, this application will illustrate in detail other techniques you can adopt in developing an application-specific neural network.
258. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
259. SunNet Manager includes a set of applications for automated fault isolation, diagnosis and network monitoring and control.
260. She is careful to turn away from the cameras that are catching the action for the local sports network.
261. Knowledge is distributed throughout the system; it is the dynamic response to the inputs and the network architecture.
262. The method we used to check the network for integrity was purposely to bias the output for selected input vector sets.
263. Meanwhile, Barclays has announced plans to more than double its network of wipe-through machines.
264. Docherty said the companies will continue to compete with each other on telecommunications services they run over the joint network.
265. It is currently working on a system for extending the security provided on Unix and local area network systems.
266. Network wishes Andy every success in this endeavour and will, of course, keep you advised of his progress.
267. They have an open client-server architecture and manage heterogeneous workstations, servers and host computers linked via a local area network.
268. Two general categories are used in describing neural network organization.
269. That is equivalent to a 5. 4 rating on a broadcast network....
270. Precisely what sort of cable will be used depends on the network architecture you've chosen.
More similar words: workat workworksworkoutwork outworkerwork upwork offwork atworkshoppaintworkout of workframeworkworkplacethe working classbetweenmeet withplanetgeneticcabinetInternetnonethelessmagneticat one timeforkporkplanetariumwordworthworry
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