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Montana in a sentence

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Sentence count:135+2Posted:2017-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: montanemontagefontanelspontaneousspontaneityspontaneouslyspontaneous combustioninstantaneousMeaning: n. a state in northwestern United States on the Canadian border. 
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91. Mark Skidmore, a microbiologist at Montana State University in Bozeman, reported at the conference that his team has found methanogens in the Robertson glacier in the Canadian Rockies.
92. Don't live in Cheyenne, Wyoming , Las Vegas and Billings, Montana where divorce is most prominent.
93. Bones of the Corythosaurus have been found in Montana in the United States, and in Canada.
94. Mineral Oil, Horse Chestnut Extract, Beeswax, Lanolin, Arnica Montana Extract, Dead Sea Mineral Water, Germ Oil.
95. The muddy Missouri gets its start in Montana and crosses both Dakotas—all within the region of unusually heavy rain—before turning south.
96. An early winter snow dusts grasslands in Paradise Valley in Montana.
97. Montana is forever linked to the old culture of the American West.
98. Lisa Marie Odegard, an interior designer in Bozeman, Montana , comments those " a habitat is a HAsn. "
99. The Angus and Hereford cattle came from ranches in his home state of Montana. The imported cows have given birth to their first calves.
100. An Exxon Mobil pipeline burst in Montana this summer sent 42,000 gallons of crude into the Yellowstone River.
101. Folks up in Montana were snowed in for a week last Winter.
102. A river rising in southwest Montana near Butte and flowing about 579 km (360 mi) generally north then northwest to Pend Oreille Lake in the Idaho Panhandle.
103. "This is the only organism that has ever been shown to produce such an important combination of fuel substances, " said Gary Strobel, a plant scientist from Montana State University, who led the work.
104. Their home range once extended from northern Montana into adjacent regions of Canada.
105. Ankylosaurus lived in Bolivia in South America, in Montana in the United States and in Mexico.
106. Most gringo-oriented businesses have struggled: a few blocks away Club 21, a betting shop, has closed, as has the Montana restaurant, which once served toothsome steaks.
107. In the remote woods of Blackfoot, Montana, The Vice President slices up vegetables and places them in a blender.
108. Whisky - jacks are widely distributed from Montana to Arizona.
109. It's been a hundred years since President Taft signed the legislation creating Glacier National Park in Montana.
110. Trial on the trait of resistance to wilt of Aleurites montana shows that it is the species highly resistant to this disease.
111. From 1972 to 1974, I served as a Minuteman missileer in control of 50 ICBMs in underground silos in Montana.
112. When they are not on set, they spend their days at Montana Grizzly Encounter, a bear rescue and education facility in Bozeman that Casey founded in 2004.
113. More than three hundred researchers studied a female Hereford cow from the American state of Montana.
114. At Kalispell, Montana, he stopped for the night , late.
115. She tells Nick that she has a friend at the title company that was able to get the address for the phone number they found in Blackfoot, Montana.
116. The Smiths are moving to Montana for a change of
117. Bentu, a German engineer who earned his master’s degree in chemical engineering from Montana State University in Bozeman in 1990, joined Koch-Glitsch in 2001.
118. He works for the United States Geological Survey in Bozeman, Montana.
119. In the U. S. , such winds exist in a belt running from Montana and the Dakotas to Texas.
120. Lisa Marie Odegard, an interior designer in Bozeman, Montana , comments that a home is a haven.
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  • Fernando 2023-02-28 16:15:40
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  • Jose 2023-02-24 02:35:23
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  • Gloria 2023-02-23 20:36:39
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