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Mole in a sentence

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Sentence count:205+6Posted:2017-03-15Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: breakwaterbulwarkcounterspygram moleculegroingroynejettymolseawallSimilar words: moleculemolecularmolestationmolecular geneticsmoldmoltmoltensmolderMeaning: [məʊl]  n. 1. the molecular weight of a substance expressed in grams; the basic unit of amount of substance adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites 2. a spy who works against enemy espionage 3. spicy sauce often containing chocolate 4. a small congenital pigmented spot on the skin 5. a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away 6. small velvety-furred burrowing mammal having small eyes and fossorial forefeet. 
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151. What does the mole near chin nose call? Is lachrymal mole long in that?
152. I nod mole to have half month, had been cangue dropped red now redly hole does?
153. This equation must be could with the mole balance rate law and stoichiometry and solved numerically.
154. The discovery of a somatosensory fovea in the star-nosed mole suggests that this organizational scheme is a general evolutionary solution to constructing a high-resolution sensory system.
155. Can mole of inherent wart shape treat dispel through Chinese traditional medicine?
156. 'I understand, ' said the Rat, cutting himself some rashers from a side of bacon, while the Mole dropped some eggs into a saucepan. 'And what's the weather like outside?
157. The field-activated pressure-assisted combustion synthesis (FAPACS) process was utilized to produce and densify tungsten carbides material from tungsten and carbon powders with different mole ratios.
158. However, in the diagnosis of attention should be given some special spirit, state of consciousness such as syncope, seizures, stupor, mole disease attack, the differential phase locked-in syndrome.
159. Several TCM practitioners told me that by substituting the bones of one type of mole rat, the same efficacy has been achieved.
160. This is 12.011 grams per mole or 12.011 atomic mass units,AMU.
161. Preparation of salicylic hydrazide . Controlling material mole ratio and the product recrystallization is the key.
162. The influence factors esterification reaction, such catalyst amount , acid alcohol mole ration(, reaction time were investigated.
163. Participants of the first underground bicycle race compete during the "Mole Race" in a mine under Budapest, Hungary, on Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011.
164. Wait like bug of maggot of bee, fly, yellow pink, batty moth, cockroach, mole cricket.
165. "So, I said to myself: that's it. The mole," Miler said in a 2006 interview with Czech public radio.
166. The little mole is dumbfounded when the potato jumps from the ground.
167. Our mole stateside says that they did rather more than that.
168. Conclusion There is not much correlation between pathological classification and molecular genetics of hydatidiform mole.
169. With a decrease in the mole ratio, volatilization of sulfur decreased rapidly.
170. In this paper, the claw shapes of the typical soil animals such as pangolin, mole cricket, ant, dung beetle etc. are observed and analysed by stereomicroscope and scanning electro-microscope.
171. The coagulating mechanism was analyzed by studying the effect of basicity (B) and Si-Al mole ratio on the composite ratio and the effect of composite rate on the coagulating result.
171. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
172. Common with the North mole cricket, the South mole cricket, Taiwan mole cricket.
173. The higher mole fraction of hydrophobe, the stronger viscosity enhancement effect.
174. Obstetric explanations for nausea and vomiting may include multiple pregnancies or a hydatidiform mole.
175. The contrast decreased when triiodide was added near the surface of the grain, or when the mole ratio of io...
176. The contrast decreased when triiodide was added near the surface of the grain, or when the mole ratio of iodide to iodine increased.
177. Method 32 cases of hydatidiform mole were analyzed by DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP, hybridized with the probe 33.15).
178. And then you have one non-linear relationship there for the mole fraction of the gas.
179. We found that the mole ratio of the raw materials, gelling temperature, carbonization temperature and etching method could effect the pore structures of the porous carbons.
180. In men and on the bottom of the West drew a bold portrait of the frame, painted two mole cricket box, head east.
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