Antonym: aggravate, deteriorate. Similar words: mitigation, litigation, castigate, instigate, investigate, investigator, investigation, navigate. Meaning: ['mɪtɪgeɪt]
v. 1. lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of 2. make less severe or harsh.
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31. To mitigate it, natural forests must be conserved.
32. Take necessary actions to mitigate the project delivery risk.
33. Efforts will be made in research and development of fuel-cell-driven and power-driven vehicles aiming to mitigate the pollution induced by transportation.
34. And for critical materials, a diversified supplier strategy may offer the flexibility needed to mitigate risk.
35. The result reveals that the CBR solution can effectively predict the actual restoration cost, solve order change problems, mitigate the difference of the budget and reduce the budget review time.
35. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
36. From the evidence we have there's nothing that would mitigate a murder.
37. Only thus shall we be able to mitigate the sufferings which the coming period will bring to each one of us and to prevent the collapse.
38. Currency: The depreciation in the New Zealand dollar will mitigate the reduction in demand for exports.
39. To mitigate that, Yahoo replicates data to multiple clusters, so an outage of one distributed file system can be compensated for by using a backup file system.
40. Background Aprotinin (Trasylol) is used to mitigate bleeding during coronary-artery bypass grafting (CABG). Accumulating evidence suggests that this practice increases mortality.
41. As the United States' power in Southeast Asia passes its prime and China's rises, states in the region are increasingly cooperating with one another to mitigate Beijing's divide-and-conquer strategy.
42. With increasing use of smart meters, which mitigate the problem of intermittency that plagues renewable forms of energy, demand for rooftop installations should grow strongly in these places.
43. Coordinately, the WTO should ameliorate "TBT Agreement" in order to mitigate the malignant effects of TBT on international trade.
44. Two solutions to mitigate the shortage of water resources are proposed: increasing precipitation through artificial rain enhancement and economizing water resources use.
45. The result suggests that the ceramic gradient coating can mitigate thermal stress.
46. Rather, it's to help you plan for and thereby mitigate issues to make your use of Ajax effective and unintrusive.
47. Adaptive computer control is used to mitigate the nonideal features inherent in the optical source and in the spectrum modulation process.
48. In wireless network, a logical link control (LLC) layer is necessary to mitigate the effect of radio channel error before cells are released to the ATM network layer.
49. But it's only recently that the legal system has recognized -- and taken steps to mitigate -- the problem of eyewitness misidentification.
50. The high efficiency steam stripping technology of catalytic cracking unit can efficiently decrease the coke yield, and mitigate the regenerator's load.
51. Such concepts as accessory obligation, pre-contract obligation, post-contract obligation, accessory contract obligation and mitigate damage obligation should also be distinguished from each other.
52. Using a restricted stock agreement, you can mitigate risk, building in a buy-back right for the partner's equity grant.
53. Conclusion While adjustment the serum lipids, Xuezhikang can mitigate the inflammation damnification in treatment of the patients with hyperlipoidemia and acute ischemic stroke.
54. In the polluted soil, mycorrhiza and its hyphae can excrete biochemical substance, change rhizosphere and the structure of heavy metal, and consequently mitigate heavy metal pollution.
55. Optimization of credit transaction regulation is essential to mitigate risks and ensure market integrity.
56. If you take time out to plan, you can easily mitigate the struggles and difficulties that arise.
57. Vectek's high-power electronic converters use Active Voltage Conditioning (AVC) technology to mitigate the effect of voltage surges and sags, creating a more stable and continuous supply.
58. International resources are better used to mitigate the collateral damage of depreciation.
59. The government is trying to mitigate the effects of inflation.
60. Compared with the common digital correlator, the application of improved correlator can effectively overcome the carrier modulation with the local carrier phase error and mitigate interference.
More similar words: mitigation, litigation, castigate, instigate, investigate, investigator, investigation, navigate, alligator, obligation, gate, agate, negate, subjugate, abrogate, delegate, propagate, variegated, initiate, legitimate, illegitimate, tiger, stigma, bigamy, tighten, fatigue, tightly, brigade, gather, cigarette.