Synonym: appraise, assess, compare, estimate, grade, rank, rate, size. Similar words: measured, measure up, measure out, measurement, measure up to, treasure, pleasure, treasurer. Meaning: ['meʒə(r)]
n. 1. the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule 2. a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated 3. how much there is of something that you can quantify 4. any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal 5. a statute in draft before it becomes law 6. (prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse 7. musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats 8. measuring instrument having a sequence of marks at regular intervals; used as a reference in making measurements. v. 1. determine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements of 2. express as a number or measure or quantity 3. have certain dimensions 4. place a value on; judge the worth of something.
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211, Ultraviolet spectrophotometry was used to measure chlorhexidine acetate content in disinfectant solution.
212, Objective Probe into the effective nursing measure of child's chronic gastritis.
More similar words: measured, measure up, measure out, measurement, measure up to, treasure, pleasure, treasurer, embrasure, the same as, sure, for sure, ensure, assure, surety, leisure, reassuring, make sure, to be sure, pressure, composure, exposure, leisurely, discomposure, pressure group, casual, as usual, casualty, all of a sudden, meal.