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Limiting in a sentence

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Sentence count:262+1Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: vomitinglimitlimitedto the limitunlimitedlimitationdelimitationprimitiveMeaning: ['lɪmɪt]  n. the grammatical relation that exists when a word qualifies the meaning of the phrase. adj. 1. restricting the scope or freedom of action 2. strictly limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase. 
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121. Wilson has signed into law a bill limiting liability suits filed by injured skateboarders.
122. The fires caused widespread smogs, limiting visibility and forcing the closure of airports and shipping lanes.
123. Included among the Euromyths are: The Euro-lavatory, limiting the amount of water cisterns may flush.
124. The second limiting factor was less immediate, but of greater potential impact.
125. But if kind is interpreted more narrowly, then it will have the effect of limiting the defendant's liability.
126. Decomposing waste and disease-carrying bacteria compete with the fish for oxygen, limiting the number of fish that can be bred.
127. Information may be shared within the group but its cohesion depends on limiting the sharing of information outside the group.
128. There is an inherent appeal to the idea of limiting reliance on sources outside U.S. control.
129. There are two limiting cases to consider: the weak field case and the strong field case.
130. He had ranged ahead[], limiting himself to brusque commands and a variety of signals.
131. Nitrogen fixed in the form of biologically useful compounds is a limiting factor for photosynthesis.
132. The Independent of July 16 noted that no agreement had been reached on limiting arms sales.
133. The system made no attempt to determine deep structure parses, limiting itself to finding surface parse trees.
134. In contrast, many DOS applications are still limited to the 640K of conventional memory - limiting both their power and speed.
135. Thirteen had an acute or subacute self limiting condition, but the remaining three had several years history of recurrent obstructive symptoms.
136. Implicit in the name was a new focus on spacing, rather than limiting, families.
136. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
137. A start could be made by limiting the service to one per point in the tie-break in the first-class game.
138. Even limiting the choice to alternative financial assets still opens up many opportunities.
139. The agreement will also restrict competition by limiting the selling opportunities of other producers of the components subject to the exclusive purchasing commitment.
140. This shows the limiting effects of fixations to primitive levels of development, engaged in out of fear.
141. And going it alone in this kind of way increases the risks as well as limiting choice.
142. Snelling's aim was to bring politicians to heel by limiting their ability to impose taxes.
143. In these cases, prevention might have to be in terms of limiting sales from chemist shops.
144. It was rate limiting for Pro synthesis.
145. A derivative is defined by a limiting process.
146. The primary limiting factor is the specification of clouds.
147. Limiting amplifier. Package on 16 mm tape and reel.
148. But POSIX is rather limiting in some areas.
149. Methods: T cell clones were isolated by limiting dilution.
150. Arc lamps require a current - limiting ballast.
More similar words: vomitinglimitlimitedto the limitunlimitedlimitationdelimitationprimitiveintimidatingtransmittingawaitingexcitingwaiting roomeliminateimitatepreliminaryeliminationproximityequanimityinimitablemagnanimitymitigatemitigationrub it infit intotimingitinerantanti-semitismtingepolitical action committee
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