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Limiting in a sentence

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Sentence count:262+1Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: vomitinglimitlimitedto the limitunlimitedlimitationdelimitationprimitiveMeaning: ['lɪmɪt]  n. the grammatical relation that exists when a word qualifies the meaning of the phrase. adj. 1. restricting the scope or freedom of action 2. strictly limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase. 
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151. Not all melanomas can be prevented, but limiting exposure to strong sunlight and other sources of UV light like tanning beds can significantly reduce the risk of getting this very deadly cancer.
152. Soft limiting is a limiting action with appreciable variation in output in the range where the output is limited.
153. Regulations that capped the working hours of bleary-eyed young doctors came just five years ago, limiting them to about 80 hours a week.
154. A century ago society had no way to combat TB, save for limiting its spread by sequestering affected individuals in sanatoriums .
155. The present work offers an evidence both in theory and experiment for organic material applying in frequency domain optical information storage and optical limiting.
156. That also means limiting the amount and type of information included on social networking sites.
157. The electrical signal is amplified by a transimpedance amplifier which is integrated with the photodiode, and is amplified further by a limiting amplifier.
158. Packet filtering and rate limiting are two mechanisms to implement responses in access rules of routers.
159. It's a bottle-neck of limiting the performance appraisal of such enterprises due to the lack of multi- stratagem and performance and the timeworn operation system.
160. In addition, the method provides flexible scheme for limiting optimization waveguide and current injection.
161. With the intact atlantoaxial ligamentous complex, intralaminar fixation was superior to pars and similar to pedicle instrumentation at limiting axial torsion.
162. Meanwhile, a three-stage Cherry-Hooper limiting amplifier is designed in order to amplify the output voltage of the equalization circuit which the comparator can identify.
163. Gradually, availably we must offer condition and present the risky investment the limiting partnership system.
164. Movement and locomotion: muscle cells with fibers attached along their whole lengths to the limiting membrane of the mesoglea.
165. The lower house of Russia's parliament, the Duma, passed legislation Friday limiting the ability of foreigners to invest in industrial sectors considered as strategic.
166. However,[] the ideal - gas scale still depends on the limiting properties of gases.
167. Fig . 8 . 15 shows some experimental results for limiting adhesion against creep.
168. Damage from poaching can rapidly become a limiting factor to productivity.
169. It is concluded that the determination of track number should fulfill the requirements of technical stopping, limiting stations, longterm plan, and the speed raising ofp...
170. Development of agriculture conflicts with hunting by limiting forest land.
171. Kamen's conviction that the Segway would revolutionize the transportation industry made him fanatical about secrecy, limiting his staff's ability to test market the device before its release.
172. In its notice limiting the size of foreign-run representative offices, for instance, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce said in January that the aim was 'strengthening administration.
173. The authors analyzed the influential factors of flow rate and the relationship between flow rate and pressure limiting and hence proposed a set of typical presetting injection parameters.
174. A package of five bills was sent to Congress as a "Compromise" meant to keep everyone happy, supporting the new states' rights to decide on slavery but severely limiting slavery in other ways.
175. BACKGROUND: --Many countries including China have no standards limiting the amount of dioxane in shampoo and cosmetics.
176. There were multiple dose limiting toxicities described including diarrhea, rash, myelosuppression and small bowel stricture but results were encouraging with a reported 46% rate of partial response.
177. Seedling grew fast in orchard, having strong resistance, but the low survival rate of field cutting, propagation coefficient is not high, limiting the speed of its promotion.
178. I am in complete agreement with Kline's interpretation of the function of the Sabbath as a sign of the covenant, thus limiting its observance to the covenant community.
179. The theoretical research approaches involve arched girder load split process, rigid-body limiting equilibrium process, plasmodium process, reliability theory, etc.
180. Clearly the limiting factor here is the power of the hand drill.
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