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Invented in a sentence

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Sentence count:281+14Posted:2017-02-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: inventinventoryinventioninvertedinvestmentconventionconvenientinconvenientMeaning: [ɪn'vent]  adj. formed or conceived by the imagination. 
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181. Although we were unaware of the wartime centrifugal launcher proposals, we have never claimed to have invented the idea.
182. However, many of the tricks invented by hackers are widely published on the Web.
183. Then consider this invented dialogue from a language teaching textbook.
184. Who invented the zip-fastener?
185. Soon, Andrew Kay invented and patented a machine for grinding stones of a standard shape and improved finish.
186. I told myself that Stu was just nervous, here on the job, assistant manager, acting like he invented wiring.
187. Displays of early surgical instruments give a chilling glimpse of the pain the sick must have endured before anaesthetic was invented.
188. Touch-of-a-button access to all the required information would be the greatest boost to efficiency since computers were invented.
189. The institutions of economic, social and community development invented in the nineteenth century have kept pace with neither need nor aspiration.
190. This method of finding the way was used until compasses and maps were invented.
191. It was invented in June 1983, but not until 1986 did it dominate the mortgage market.
192. Perhaps religions have been invented to try to exorcize that condition.
193. We invented the submarine and were the first to purchase a military aircraft.
194. We invented something called the roar-o-meter to measure how funny something was.
195. He claimed later to have invented a method of transporting armed men across rivers using pontoons for shoes.
196. Britain invented world trade when we had an empire 100 or 200 years ago.
197. She was employed by cousin Gruner, the doctor, who had this work invented for her.
198. He invented fictional ancestors and a family history to impress the girls.
199. In 1979, it was the people who invented games rather than the participants who apparently needed to take drug tests.
200. Grammars and parsers were invented for the study of human languages.
201. I tied a monster knot, one I invented on the spot, and tugged it hard, Lincoln licking my ear.
202. That was the genesis of an idea that returned to him years later when he invented a smooth disc turbine without buckets.
203. The Flydaway was invented by Commander Francis Perrott,[] a retired naval engineer.
204. Eisenstein invented cinematic techniques which are still in use today.
205. God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. He has no real style, He just goes on trying other things. Pablo Picasso 
206. They exist solely in the mind of the man who invented them.
207. Dates were for Christmas, anything more unusual like melon was immoral and Kiwi-fruit hadn't been invented.
208. But detectives investigating her death believe she invented the story just to get the gun to take her own life.
209. It invented the suburb - the most successful invention in the history of human habitation.
210. Many of those foodstuffs would stand no chance of approval were they invented today.
More similar words: inventinventoryinventioninvertedinvestmentconventionconvenientinconvenientconventionaldirect investmentinvestment bankerrentedunconventionaldementedtalentedpresentedtormentedinterventionunprecedentedconstitutional conventioninvestinverseinvestorinvectiveinveterateinvestigateconveneinvestigatorinvestigationinvited
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