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Invasive in a sentence

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Sentence count:166+1Posted:2017-04-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: invasionevasivepervasivepersuasivepersuasivelyabrasivenesscanvascanvassMeaning: [ɪn'veɪsɪv]  adj. 1. relating to a technique in which the body is entered by puncture or incision 2. marked by a tendency to spread especially into healthy tissue 3. involving invasion or aggressive attack 4. gradually intrusive without right or permission. 
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91. "The uniqueness of the Eupodophis type specimen completely excluded the possibility of invasive investigations," the researchers wrote.
92. The adhesion ability, the migrated ability and invasive ability were determined with the laminin adhesion test, the chemotactic migration test and the invasion test of reconstituted basement membrane.
93. Women in high risk groups tend to undergo a combination of scans and hormone level tests in order to determine if they need to have an invasive test such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling.
94. Non - invasive prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidies: how close to reality?
95. Otoendoscopic myringoplasty is a convenient, simple and minimally invasive technique for tympanic membrane perforations.
96. Capsule - style medical micro - instrument is a hot spot in the filed of micro - invasive medical instrument.
97. Objective To create a new method of pulmonary artery cannulation during operation for right ventricular assistance, for which minimally invasive decannulation can be done after operation.
98. Conclusion MFPR is a safe and effective minimally invasive technique and it is also an effective salvage measure to multifetation .
99. Intravesical treatment is used for carcinoma in situ and other high grade non - muscle - invasive tumours.
100. Objective: To investigate the use of minimally invasive surgery in resection of dumbbell-shaped postmediastinal tumor.
101. Radical surgery appears to offer the best chance and different approaches can be selected according to tumor stage and invasive condition of the circumambient organ.
102. In northern Sulawesi, citizens have cleared coral reefs of harmful invasive species.
103. Conclusion: There is strong expression of CXCR4 in highly invasive ACC-M cells, indicating that CXCR4 might be related to lung metastasis of salivary ACC.
104. This simple, less invasive[], less extensive procedure might worthwhile to provide alternatives acquiring lower complication rate for correction of post-burned equinus deformity.
105. For many an invasive corneal transplant was the only option – until now!
106. During that same time, the incidence of invasive vulval cancer rose by 20%.
107. Near infrared ( NIR ) analytical technique is a fast non - invasive analytical technique.
108. Invasive pituitary adenoma is a common pituitary adenoma invading nearby structures such as the sphenoidal sinus, ethmoidal sinus, upper clivus , sellar floor dura and bone.
109. OBJECTIVE To study the etiological diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis by the monoclonal antibodies against Aspergillus fumigatus.
110. Objective: To review the experience of atrial septal defect (ASD) closure with occluder by minimally invasive and non-extracorporeal circulation ways.
111. It is less invasive than surgery and associated post-procedure down-time is minimal.
112. A non invasive detection and analysis system of electrogastrogram(EGG) is described.
113. Finally, the ecologic mechanisms that may influence the diffuse of invasive alien plant were also discussed.
114. Objective To evaluate the utility of frameless stereotaxy in minimally invasive neurosurgery.
115. Erigeron canadensis L. is an invasive plant widely distributed in China.
116. The bacterial pathogens confront innate im-munity firstly when they invade host followed by acquired immunity. Both of them play defensive funtion to eliminish the invasive bacteria.
117. Sentinel node (SN) biopsies might be useful for performing minimally invasive surgery without interrupting surgical curability.
118. Objective To evaluate the effect of extensive excision of invasive burn wound infection on hypermetabolic response in burn patients with sepsis.
119. Seattle is also home to the Oregon grape--more closely related to the barberry than an actual grape--and English ivy, an invasive vine that Seattle-area crafting groups weave into baskets.
120. The fungus, Candida albicans, interacts with epithelial cells in the human host both as a normal commensal and as an invasive pathogen.
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