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Inferiority in a sentence

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Sentence count:96+4Posted:2017-02-03Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: superioritySimilar words: inferiorpriorityinfersuperiorinfernoexteriorinteriorulteriorMeaning: n. 1. the state of being inferior 2. an inferior quality 3. the quality of being a competitive disadvantage. 
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31. It reveals with pitiless clarity the inferiority of what has gone before.
32. It constitutes a gesture of respect not to make social inferiors conscious of their inferiority.
33. For others it could create feelings of resentment about their material inferiority.
34. I have an inferiority complex, but it's not a very good one. Steven Wright 
35. This system of racial stratification has often been explained in terms of the supposed genetically based inferiority of blacks.
36. Thus, when awards time arrives, the old inferiority complexes become a factor and decisions often go in vaguely highfalutin directions.
37. That the vanguard was so severely curtailed reveals the extent of the Soviet Union's conservatism, conformism and inferiority complex.
38. It recognizes that a voice developed amid inequality does not bespeak inferiority.
39. Suggestions of inferiority have long rankled in a city where image has been an obsession for more than a century.
40. The crime which justifies lynching him is a form of treason, not racial inferiority.
41. This obviously affects them as they grow up, giving them an inferiority complex.
42. His presumption that, through her body, a woman signifies inferiority, rests on a mistaken biology.
43. The same goes for India's sense of geopolitical inferiority.
44. Some of them developed a great inferiority complex.
45. Suffer from psychological problems: loneliness, homesickness, depression, inferiority complex.
46. I have an inferiority complex.
47. He had an inferiority complex about his sexuality.
48. Stop thinking like that or your will develop an inferiority complex.
49. But in Carmichael's speeches and in his landmark 1967 book, Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America,(Sentence dictionary) he persuasively argued that the term implied black inferiority.
50. SOME comparisons are stark enough to generate a national inferiority complex.
51. Psychiatrist: What makes you think you have an inferiority complex?
52. Some famous psychologists say that the workaholic has an inferiority complex which leads to overcompensation .
53. Inferiority: The expense is high, the performance - to - price ratio is not very high.
54. We claim compensation of $ 1,800 for inferiority of quality.
55. From constant telling, she came almost to believe in her own badness, her own intrinsic inferiority.
56. The superiority and inferiority of PM machine is closely related with the function parameter of permanent magnet material which is being used.
57. Therefore, the inferiority complex has been, always feeling Pei Bushang You!
58. A young composer took part in a nobiliary party, he was laughed at by a duke. because of this the composer felt a lot of inferiority.
59. One seems to need a dose of superiority to overcompensate for the erstwhile sense of inferiority.
60. Such is the interrelation between initiative and passivity, between superiority and inferiority.
More similar words: inferiorpriorityinfersuperiorinfernoexteriorinteriorulteriorinferencedeteriorateminoritymajorityasperityauthorityprosperityposterityausteritymajority rulemajority leaderpriorwarriorprior toinfestconferinfectedinfectionconferencedisinfectantperiodglorious
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