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In a manner of speaking in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2016-11-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mannerbreak inbreak intomannedplannerspeaka matter ofspeak for
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1. She's his partner, in a manner of speaking.
2. An attorney is your employee, in a manner of speaking.
3. His success is in a manner of speaking our success, too.
4. In a manner of speaking, of course.
5. McGurk: In a manner of speaking, sir, no.
6. Well, in a manner of speaking.
6. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
7. The stolen flowers had been, in a manner of speaking, restored.
8. For all men are eggs, in a manner of speaking.
9. The illustrations make dinosaurs come alive, in a manner of speaking.
10. And he is faithful to her in a manner of speaking.
11. And salvaging is saving(, in a manner of speaking.
12. He is comparatively intelligent, in a manner of speaking.
13. In a manner of speaking, objects are colourless.
14. In a manner of speaking, I suppose you could say that Keith is an introvert.
15. They don't exist, in a manner of speaking, except as projections from inside you.
16. Meeting is , in a manner of speaking , the beginning of parting.
17. In a manner of speaking, they're on vacation more in this regards, not less.
18. She would swear the same, in a manner of speaking, before chaplain.'.
19. "You said she was a poor widow lady!" — "In a manner of speaking she is," Alison said.
20. In a manner of speaking , the heart is where the real you resides.
21. The warring governments could be seen as terrorists too, in a manner of speaking.
22. Why, there you all are together a happy family, in a manner of speaking.
More similar words: mannerbreak inbreak intomannedplannerspeaka matter ofspeak forspeak upspeakerso to speakto speak ofas a matter of factundertakingakinchannelpeakoffspringinnerrunnerwinneras a mana number ofonerousany number ofin a momentgenerousto the number ofa large number ofsooner or later
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