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Illegally in a sentence

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Sentence count:194+7Posted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: illegallegallylegallegal tenderlegal principlelegal guardianallegationillegibleMeaning: adv. in an illegal manner. 
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121 People who work illegally are liable to Prosecution and deportation.
122 Objective: To establish a quick, accurate, sensitive method for analysis of sildenafil citrate illegally added into traditional chinese medicinal preparation fur invigorant by UPLC-MS-MS.
123 Even if a video was originally posted in a protected format, someone may have copied it and re-posted it illegally with the protection stripped off.
124 Drivers who park their cars illegally, particularly obstructing traffic flow[], deserve to be punished.
125 We should deport the criminal who has entered the country illegally.
126 Rural buyers often purchase from smaller steel mills, some of which operate illegally, says Huang He, an analyst at Mysteel Research Institute in Shanghai.
127 The books-and-records section was aimed at forbidding "slush funds, " Newcomb says, because, "bribes are usually paid with cash siphoned off the books illegally."
128 Finally, the author puts forward proposal to impose punishment on transferring private offering securities illegally.
129 People believe they can deforest illegally because sooner or later all will be forgiven, " said Philip Fearnside of the government's National Institute for Amazon Research.
130 In subjective, it's purposive and with the intention to illegally possess.
131 I couldn'tfly illegally into a country in the dead of night.
132 Where there are large differences in retail prices (often more than 300%), duty-paid products may be purchased in a low tax area and transported to a high tax area to be sold illegally.
133 To improve the toughness and the ductility of the glutinous rice paper product, some factory illegally add PVA to glutinous rice paper.
134 Game consoles do make their way into China through the grey market, where they are bought and sold illegally.
135 Egypt formally demanded the return of the 3, 300-year-old bust of Queen Nefertiti, saying it was sneaked out of the country illegally.
136 "People believe they can deforest illegally because sooner or later all will be forgiven, " he told the Associated Press.
137 But dismissing the emails on the grounds that they were obtained illegally misses the important point that they show science to be a more human process than is usually portrayed.
137 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
138 In this part , I talked mainly about the complexions of the Exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence applied in the typical country , for instance , the USA, Britain , Germany and Japan .
139 Objective: To determine the sildenafil citrate added illegally in invigorant by HPLC.
140 Conclusion The method is simple and accurate, which can be used for the identification of abietic acid illegally added in Gujinwan Capsules.
141 Schliemann illegally smuggled the loot to Berlin, convinced he had found evidence of the Iliad's famed ancient city.
142 Land may not be sold, leased, mortgaged or illegally transferred by any other means.
143 Tons of highly toxic industrial waste were dumped illegally in rural areas of Qujing, causing livestock deaths and soil and water pollution.
144 But in practice, the reason why the debt forms is varied , do all behaviors of asking for the debt form crime of taking into custody illegally ?
145 Japan is holding the boat's captain and crew member on allegations they illegally entered Japanese waters.
146 PEACE: Arturas Zuokas for solving the problem of illegally parked cars by crushing them with an armored vehicle.
147 III. Item 3 of Article 4 shall be amended as: "(3) illegally expropriating or requisitioning property".
148 In recent years more than ever immigrants who enter America illegally are at the mercy of smugglers , and many die in boxcars or ships before arriving here.
149 The Justice Department has charged the five with operating illegally as Venezuelan government agents.
150 An estate agent nearby offers one of its apartments for rent: a sign that the owners have more than one property and are illegally turning their social housing into a money-spinner.
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