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Horrendous in a sentence

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Sentence count:71+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: awfuldiredirefuldreaddreadeddreadfulfearfulfearsomefrighteninghorrificterribleSimilar words: tremendoussend outsplendoursurrenderrendezvoushand outstand outfind outMeaning: [hə'rendəs]  adj. causing fear or dread or terror. 
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1 She suffered horrendous injuries.
2 He described it as the most horrendous experience of his life.
3 They have horrendous financial problems.
4 Conditions in the refugee camps were horrendous.
5 The traffic was horrendous.
6 Experiencing the majors was a pretty horrendous experience.
7 Call it atrocious, horrendous, mystifying.
8 Answering questions while chomping through steak is horrendous.
9 This is so horrendous, it bears no description.
10 Traffic in the downtown Boston area is horrendous.
11 Jose Lima is coming off a horrendous season.
12 She is still recovering from a horrendous car accident.
13 It was a horrendous storm.
14 That colour scheme is horrendous.
15 Pit bull dogs can inflict horrendous wounds on people.
16 It was Sippy Suds, his horrendous odors mysteriously absent in the cool of the night.
17 Still others have found themselves trapped in a horrendous and expensive quagmire of political, emotional(, financial and legal issues.
18 It was a horrendous, rapacious strategy that they had used to gain control of their own home system.
19 The news spread as quickly as the horrendous fire which engulfed the fallen plane.
20 The police officer said the attack was the most horrendous he had ever seen.
21 Joy made one last desperate attempt and produced the most horrendous squeak ever, like a hare caught by a harvest scythe.
22 Still, it seemed that the Black Panther Party was subjected to the most horrendous harassment by government authorities.
23 It would have taken a battalion to root the fanatics out, and the casualties would have been horrendous.
24 After all, the newspapers are brimming with reports of horrendous attacks on women, so the risk must be considerable.
25 Privilege parking places yield little profit, while special perks can precipitate horrendous losses.
26 However, he is not so undiplomatic as to resist the horrendous hospitality of overindulgent underdeveloped countries.
27 Half way across the site, the earth is scorched, and the remnants of dwellings bear witness to a horrendous fire.
28 It would have been a nightmare,[] it would have been horrendous.
29 Nineteenth-century forms and styles held sway until the 1920s when they were replaced by their horrendous antithesis - Functionalism.
30 The first was hacking round Crieff, eventually posting a horrendous score of 112, with Roy Nicolson as his playing partner.
More similar words: tremendoussend outsplendoursurrenderrendezvoushand outstand outfind outin and outhorrorcorrectincorrecthorriblecorrectlyhorrifiedcorrespondundoubtedlycorrelationcorrelativecurrentcorrespondentdouseendowcurrencyrecurrentcurrentlydeterrentfend offvendorcorresponding to
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