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Endow in a sentence

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Sentence count:56Posted:2017-01-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bequeathcontributefurnishgiveinvestprovidesupplySimilar words: endowedendowmentrun downwindowturn downvendorfend offsend outMeaning: [ɪn'daʊ]  v. 1. give qualities or abilities to 2. furnish with an endowment. 
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1 Take my rest life over to endow you a belief in goodliness forever.
2 Herbs have been used for centuries to endow a whole range of foods with subtle flavours.
3 Donna's parents plan to endow a scholarship fund in memory of their daughter.
4 Thus, they are naturally reluctant to endow subordinates with even more independence of action.
5 To endow with personal qualities; personify.
6 To endow with life; animate.
7 Dog training can endow with a remarkable extent of contentment.
8 To endow those who love me with wealth, That I may fill their treasuries.
9 "Flavor"theory endow the native beauty and subaudition to Chinese ancient literature theory, the way of poetry speak is a symbol of the theory which has not been changed for hundreds of years.
10 We also compared the prognostication precision, endow differ power,[] and established assembled forecast model.
11 Ltd, and decided to endow them with first band qualification of international bidding of electromechanical products.
12 Its night doth He endow with darkness, and its splendour doth He bring out (with light).
13 Mathematics seems to endow one with something like a new sense.
14 The conservation activities endow city with deep cultural meaning over again and look for urban humanistic vitality and romantic spatial developmental philosophy of back street and alleyway.
15 The polyphonic features endow Light in August with eternal vitality.
16 So, the conclusion is that we should endow the fiduciary duty to the managers in the statutory law.
17 If god will endow fortune to me! I will use fortune to return good looks! A nice mace!
18 These changes endow modern pitched roof style with new ideas ( inspiration ) and contents.
19 His expressionistic brushwork, scrapings in the paint and blurry edges endow the familiar bright land with an unfamiliar melancholy.
20 He can take a man or a nation, who has all the impotence of the worm, and by the invigoration of His own Spirit, He can endow with strength by which a noble mark is left upon the history of the time.
21 Then distribution according to work in the college should endow with new characteristics.
22 More or Less, made by MOMA in wisdom. We elaborate the concept, express the feelings,[] make the ordinary objects endow with the extraordinary vitality living with us.
23 So we to make another gift to our Rotary Foundation to endow a Rotary Peace Fellow.
24 However, we will easily neglect to observe the art itself when we hurry to study how to endow the ballet more elegancy.
25 In the new situation the emotion to nurture people work should endow braw-new constant and method, while university, educator and student should keep well.
26 When strengthening and implementing the burden of proof in parties, it must endow with them corresponding means, methods and procedural safeguard in investigation collection evidence.
27 Girls thread a needle under the moon to pray the weaver maid to endow them craftsmanship.
28 Like this, any life time of prosperous and bright such as flower, fall anily lonesome become an autumn, toss about in the of leave thousand sorrow to endow with at the mid-night.
29 And, for my age, talk about the mystery of death, was extravagant and grotesque, is simply the young do not" die" taste, to endow with new words that" dead".
30 The law of our country should give the articles of incorporation dual-division, and endow the articles with validity of counterwork to the third party.
More similar words: endowedendowmentrun downwindowturn downvendorfend offsend outendorseinnuendosplendourdepend onby the end ofat the end oftremendouscandorundohand onrondohand outrandomfind outcondoneoff and onstand outkind ofin and outabandonand othersabandoned
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