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Hits in a sentence

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Sentence count:184+9Posted:2017-07-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hither and thitherhithitherwhitchitshitwhitewhither
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(61) The rhythm section of these hits then began cutting behind the poorly shouted vocals of a white keyboardist named Harry Casey.
(62) It s brash, fast, slickly arranged big-band music that hits the accents with deft conviction.
(63) Describes the regulatory system and considers how sponsors, directors, investors and advisers interact in funding, establishing and maintaining HITs.
(64) The root of all superstition is that men observe when a thing hits, but not when it misses. Francis Bacon 
(65) B gets inside for two baskets, then hits a three-pointer, then an outside jumper.
(66) Or watch a launch, the orange flames billowing and shrinking to a point in the sky before the sound hits.
(67) Swindon Town's new scoring machine hits the bullseye once more.
(68) I think when the full horror of being fifty hits you, you should stay home and have a good cry. Josh Billings 
(69) Then a piece of garden hose can be inserted in the top until it hits a moulded shoulder inside the tube.
(70) Or perhaps it's belting out Slade's greatest hits with your best friends and a bottle of wine?
(71) The number of hits and false alarms for individual films is given in Table 4.4.
(72) Reasons put forth include his advancing age, the cumulative effect of thousands of hits and the decline of his offensive line.
(73) He must identify with the victim such that his brutality hits him full force.
(74) When rain water hits pyrite ore, it forms sulfuric acid, which leaches out copper and other metals.
(75) But the cushioning has to be in the mid or forefoot, where the foot hits,( rather than the heel.
(76) Paul Simon has released a companion album to his Greatest Hits.
(77) We took four hits, and immediately, we went into a rapid descent to elude the machine guns.
(78) The number of hits is higher for risky exemplars than non-risky ones and the number of false alarms is lower.
(79) Change-up curves are what Mantle hits out of ball parks.
(80) Both were direct hits, as he knew they would be.
(81) The high number of craters suggest Mathilde has been taking hits for several billion years.
(81) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(82) But when Tonia is due to jet in he hits the panic button and blitzes the housework.
(83) Nagy started Game 2, working 5-7 / 8 innings while allowing eight hits and four runs.
(84) The Class of 2000 hits the books: calculus, chemistry, leadership courses.
(85) Keep a thumb lightly on the spool and apply pressure as the lure hits the water to avoid backlash.
(86) Tax day hits him hard, hits him where it hurts the most.
(87) But most applications require the transmission of digital messages consisting of binary digits or hits.
(88) Mr Smith must learn that hitting the pay packet hits the housing market, and that hits the institutions.
(89) It's the E.coli 0157 strain that often hits the headlines.
(90) Even with the advantages of other income sources, studios depend on a few hits to pay for a large number of duds.
More similar words: hither and thitherhithitherwhitchitshitwhitewhitherhitchwhitenhitlerhithertohittingunhitchrough ithit it offcatch itwhittlewhitishwhitingchitosanwhite liesmash hittahitianhit the roadwhite manget with ithirohitohit-and-runchitchat
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