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Hits in a sentence

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Sentence count:184+9Posted:2017-07-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hither and thitherhithitherwhitchitshitwhitewhither
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(91) June 26 Gwynn hits first inside-the- park grand slam in Padre history.
(92) This time Dennis claimed hits on a destroyer while Osborne inflicted damage on a supply ship.
(93) Every few seconds, Jody hits the pause button, freezing a frame to show them how out of position they are.
(94) This enables the player to impart more spin on the ball and also extends the power zone for off centre hits.
(95) If your goal is for a stock to gain 20 percent, sell when it hits that point.
(96) Your flexible drinking partner ... the plastic revolution hits the pub.
(97) She hits the ball harder than Sabatini, but lacks her control.
(98) The official World Cup web-site scored a record number of hits last week.
(99) Somebody runs out of the crowd and hits Mowat on the back of the neck.
(100) Each time the ball hits the wall a brick disappears and you're closer to your aim of breaking down the wall.
(101) Ten City have had three massive club hits without selling any records, and now they've got a chart hit.
(102) I give a little laugh and Peter looks over at me and hits it again, harder this time.
(103) And the first thing that hits you is the heat and the incredible, oppressive humidity.
(104) Sandier hits the big time as the loveable three killer sharks to increase their brain mass.
(105) Still[], industry sources acknowledge that stars have greater leverage in such negotiations as the search for prime-time hits becomes increasingly desperate.
(106) Even a large carrier, he warned, could be quickly and effectively disabled by a few bomb hits.
(107) Even within the ultra-clean pages of Smash Hits, there are a number of bad influences featured every fortnight.
(108) As the gaggle crossed the next village on our flight path, many ships called in hits.
(109) Bittern numbers fluctuate from year to year and a severe winter hits them hard.
(110) But there's little chance of that for Joanne Malkin when the swinging detective hits town.
(111) She hits four of five and suddenly the world is a friendly place again.
(111) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(112) If the first shot hits you can fire again, regardless of whether you wounded or killed with your first shot.
(113) He runs too upright, relies too much on sheer strength instead of evading defenders, and so takes too many hits.
(114) It's funny that he managed to hit the ball because he never hits it in practice.
(115) I lift my hand to direct him to the landing, and just like that it hits me.
(116) It especially hits pensioners and those on fixed incomes who rely on the interest to meet their bills.
(117) All hits against the chariot in hand-to-hand or shooting are randomly allocated as shown below.
(118) Yet Bochy also recently pointed out to Gwynn that the player could attain some luminous goals, including 3, 000 hits.
(119) Still, it was a shock when Vee-Jay filed for bankruptcy in 1965, while it was still turning out hits.
(120) Their leaves fall in droves when the sun hits them in the morning, and then they settle on to white hoar frost.
More similar words: hither and thitherhithitherwhitchitshitwhitewhitherhitchwhitenhitlerhithertohittingunhitchrough ithit it offcatch itwhittlewhitishwhitingchitosanwhite liesmash hittahitianhit the roadwhite manget with ithirohitohit-and-runchitchat
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