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Grew in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+79Posted:2017-04-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: brewcrewdrewshrewstrewscrewrewirehebrew
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151. His career faded as meteorically as it grew.
152. I grew weary of his bantering style of conversation.
153. These transactions grew explosively in the early 1980s.
154. Day by day he grew weaker.
155. Sue grew into a lovely young woman.
156. His art grew out of his love of nature.
157. The town grew in a haphazard way.
158. Cities grew rapidly, a large labouring class developed.
159. Meanwhile the personality cult around this campaigner grew.
160. He grew up in a houseful of women.
161. He grew up in a strict church-going family.
162. America's influence on culture grew throughout the 20th century.
163. By degrees their friendship grew into love.
163. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
164. The small puppy quickly grew into very large dog.
165. As the business grew, it totally engrossed him.
166. He seemed to move leftwards as he grew older.
167. The constitution was suspended as the fighting grew worse.
168. He grew up to resemble his father.
169. Her media empire grew from quite small beginnings.
170. As the lights went down, the audience grew quiet.
171. The room grew silent as the men entered.
172. As it grew dark, they gathered round the fire.
173. The grass grew thick and velvety.
174. He grew quite eloquent on the subject.
175. As we got older we just grew apart.
176. The small shop grew into a large firm.
177. Profits grew last year by a heady 5.7%.
178. Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island.
179. Indignation grew as more nightclubs opened.
180. I didn't know they grew rice in France.
More similar words: brewcrewdrewshrewstrewscrewrewirehebrewshrewdprewarrewardfarewellstrewnscrew onrewriteforewarnfirewallcarewornforewordbrewingscrewedfireworkfireworksrewardingcorkscrewinterfere withgreygreedGreekagree
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