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Grew in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+79Posted:2017-04-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: brewcrewdrewshrewstrewscrewrewirehebrew
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121. My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark.
122. Their love grew with the years.
123. Dad grew up in the swinging sixties.
124. As a family we grew farther and farther apart.
125. He became increasingly muddled as he grew older.
126. Sales of new cars grew by 10% last year.
127. The whispers grew fainter and fainter, then stopped altogether.
128. Her hair gradually coarsened as she grew older.
129. Trading settlements grew up by the river.
130. He slacked his pace as the sun grew hot.
131. He grew in stature during the campaign.
132. After the old gardener died, the garden grew wild.
133. Her confidence grew with the passage of time.
134. A settlement grew up around the castle.
135. I grew up in rather unusual circumstances.
136. Week by week he grew a little stronger.
137. The trees grew in serried ranks .
138. As time went on, I grew fond of him.
139. A dispute grew up among them.
140. The children grew restless with the long wait.
141. His eyebrows never grew back after the accident.
142. The city grew rapidly in the nineteenth century.
143. With each passing day she grew stronger.
144. It grew colder as night fell.
145. Weeds grew through the cracks in the paving.
146. She grew up surrounded by a large extended family.
147. Her eyes grew wide in anticipation.
148. My grandparents grew up dirt poor .
149. Retail sales grew just 3.8 percent last year.
150. The mistake grew out of her carelessness.
More similar words: brewcrewdrewshrewstrewscrewrewirehebrewshrewdprewarrewardfarewellstrewnscrew onrewriteforewarnfirewallcarewornforewordbrewingscrewedfireworkfireworksrewardingcorkscrewinterfere withgreygreedGreekagree
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