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Generally speaking in a sentence

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Sentence count:212+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: in a manner of speakinggenerallyin generalgeneralgeneralitygeneral ledgergeneral electionthe general public
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1. Generally speaking, boys like active sports more than girls do.
2. Generally speaking, the coldest weather comes in January.
3. Generally speaking, it's quite a good school.
4. Generally speaking, it's quite a fair settlement.
5. Generally speaking, I don't like spicy food.
6. Generally speaking there was no resistance to the idea.
7. Generally speaking[Sentencedict], I'm inclined to agree with you.
8. Generally speaking, parents love their children.
9. The warmer a place is, generally speaking, the more types of plants and animals it will usually support.
10. Generally speaking, the more you pay, the more you get.
11. Generally speaking, the more expensive the stereo, the better it is.
12. Generally speaking, people did not move very far.
13. They are, generally speaking, the most expensive type.
14. But generally speaking, champions are built from something more.
15. Generally speaking, however, different intervals of time tended to be thought of as separate discrete units.
16. By Lyle Jackson Quality check for the kitchen GENERALLY speaking, you get what you pay for in a kitchen.
17. The creative team Generally speaking they are the ones who do not wear suits - or look rather uncomfortable when they do.
18. Generally speaking, however[], they appear to fall into two categories: external and internal.
19. April 1983 Generally speaking, however, family planning has met with a hostile reception.
20. Generally speaking, though, suburban gentility has seeped across the map.
21. Generally speaking, most Ministers rely on others for most of their ideas.
22. These include opening books at random. Generally speaking, this is deemed to provide some clue as to one's destiny.
23. Early modern artists, generally speaking, did little to overturn this convention in painting or sculpture.
24. But generally speaking, the availability of landfill space is more a matter of politics than geology.
25. Generally speaking, such rules specify that violence should cease when honour has been satisfied.
26. Generally speaking, intermolecular forces and the micro structures of the shell material itself have very little influence on overall shell shape.
27. Well the gay population usually tips much better, generally speaking.
28. Generally speaking the term covers actions such as comforting, helping, sharing, reassuring and defending.
29. Progress would enhance the wealth of those who, generally speaking, were already rich but not that of the masses.
30. If you use straw as bedding for farm animals, generally speaking you improve the welfare of those animals.
More similar words: in a manner of speakinggenerallyin generalgeneralgeneralitygeneral ledgergeneral electionthe general publicbreakinggenerategenerationdegenerategeneration gaplost generationbreak inbreak intospeakspeak outbespeakspeakerspeak upspeak forshakingto speak ofso to speakunspeakablegenerousfuneralmineralundertaking
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