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Faster in a sentence

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Sentence count:251+26Posted:2017-05-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fastenfastenersteadfastplaster castasterncastermastereasterMeaning: [fæst /fɑːst]  adv. more quickly. 
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121. Heat destroys bacteria faster in a wet environment.
122. God, life changes faster than you think. Amy Tan 
123. When oxygen is supplied to a flame it burns faster; the same thing happens to our body when we walk aerobically.
124. It was noticeable, among other things, that she was drinking faster than anybody else.
125. So we have the ability to breathe faster or take deeper breaths, as required.
126. Beaumarchais/Livings is funnier, faster and subtler than, say, the average Whitehall farce and could be just as accessible.
127. She shot down stairs faster than she had moved for thirty years, her head full of horrific accidents.
128. Demands for faster processors with larger memory to run newer applications software are increasing.
129. His heart thudded and he realized that he had begun to breathe faster, with excitement.
130. Yet since 1995 the state's economy has grown by 32 %-nine percentage points faster than the national average.
131. The urgency kicks in, the adrenalin flows a bit faster, the pulse quickens.
132. Those few studies that have been carried out in free-running experiments suggest that the body clock might run slightly faster.
133. Human cultures can change rapidly because cultural innovation is infinitely faster than biological evolution.
134. Using the freezer facility, can I put all my games on blank tapes to load faster?
135. Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot,( and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? George Carlin 
136. Because of this, it is alleged, the arms race is fuelled into ever more expensive, dangerous and faster spirals.
137. Switching angles of 3 and 6 degrees produce a faster travel than an angle of 0 degrees.
138. It is designed to give physicians faster access to results on new and re-examined medical treatments.
139. At its best, badminton has been proven to be more demanding, faster and requiring more agility than tennis.
140. Maricopa County started growing faster than any urban area except San Antonio.
141. However[], the faster we can get ahead with the Development Project the better.
142. This causes antagonism towards you faster than almost anything else.
143. To make her burst faster off the blocks, Privalova tosses a 120-pound barbell over her head two dozen times a day.
144. Tony could feel his heart beating - faster than he could ever remember.
145. The revenue was never enough for this, and the Company began declining into bankruptcy much faster than before.
146. As a firm grows, current assets will generally grow faster than current liabilities.
147. People can take part by doing any physical activity that makes the heart beat faster and lasts for 15 minutes.
148. As bandwidth increases it will become easier and faster to download these movies.
149. Jasper, who was far more agile than I will ever be, was faster over the rocks.
150. If everybody minded their own business, the world would go around a great deal faster than it does. Lewis Carroll 
More similar words: fastenfastenersteadfastplaster castasterncastermastereasterboasterplastereasternasteroiddisasterforecastermonasteryalabasterwastewaterheadmastermasterpieceschoolmasterplasterboardmaster's degreeroller coastereastern europefastcaste systemfastingfast foodbreakfasthard-and-fast
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