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Epidural in a sentence

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Sentence count:150Posted:2018-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: duralsubduralproceduralprocedural languagetepidepidermintrepidepidemicMeaning: n. regional anesthesia resulting from injection of an anesthetic into the epidural space of the spinal cord; sensation is lost in the abdominal and genital and pelvic areas; used in childbirth and gynecological surgery. adj. on or outside the dura mater. 
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91 Objective To evaluate the anaesthesia effect and side - effect of combined spinal epidural anesthesia in cesarean section.
92 Methods Under the guidance of CT, micro-wound cones cranium and using hematoma- liquefier clearing epidural hematoma.
93 ICP was elevated to 100 mmHg and 150 mmHg by means of injection of water into an elastic bag in the epidural space.
94 Objective : To research the clinical effect of combined spinal - epidural anesthesia on parturients with gestational hypertension.
95 To investigate the influencing of cardiac hemodynamics from general anesthesia and & epidural anesthesia.
96 Before the epidural is initiated , the patient is hydrated with 500 - 1000 mL of dextrose - free intravenous fluid.
97 Objective : To investigate the effects of epidural lidocaine on hypoxemia induced by bilateral thoracotomy in rats.
98 Objective: To compare the analgesic effects and aversive side effects of ropivacaine combined with pethidine, morphine or tramadol for postoperative patient control epidural analgesia(PCEA).
99 A lumbar puncture is a relative contraindication if a spinal epidural abscess is suspected, because infectious agents may be introduced into the subarachnoid space.
100 Objective To study the clinical application of combined spinal - epidural anesthesia in transurethral prostatectomy ( TURP ).
101 Objective:To determine the effects of continuous lumbar plexus block on postoperative pain after total knee replacement (TKR) surgery,( and compare with the effects of epidural block.
102 Objective To investigate the paregoric effects of butorphanol when the errhysis occurs inside the epidural catheter during continuous epidural anesthesia.
103 Objective Using systems thinking to explore the influence of epidural block anesthesia of labor on the correlative factors of puerperal depression.
104 Objective TO compare the clinical effects of 0.5% levobupivacaine and 0.5% bupivacaine for epidural anesthesia in total hysterectomy.
105 Conclusion The Low field MRI is avery useful procedure to diagnose the postoperative discitis and can demonstrate the complications such as epidural abscess or arachnoiditis.
106 Summary of Background Data . Asymptomatic epidural hematoma is common after lumbar surgery.
107 The analgesia efficacy of the inhaling laughing gas group was not as good as that of epidural block, but method of former was simple.
108 OBJECTIVE To investigate efficacy of sufentanil combined with 0.75% ropivacaine in epidural anaesthesia.
109 Methods:Translumbar(transsacral) centesis and continuous epidural block with 1%lidocaine were performed.
110 Methods Retrospective analysis on the clinic dates of 28 cases with underwent trephination and drainage treatment for acute epidural hematoma in our hospital.
111 Objective. To investigate the effect of the lateral decubitus position, after a caudal epidural injection, on outcome.
112 Objective To evaluate the effect of epidural 6% hetastarch on the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots in rats .
113 Objective: To investigate the influential factors and clinical therapeutic effect of epidural injection of collagenase for the treatment of cervical intervertebral disc protrusion.
114 To evaluate safety and efficacy of administration schedule of continuous epidural infusion of lidocaine carbonate in patients during epidural anaesthesia by clinical study.
115 Method: Retrospective analysis on the clinic datas of 86 cases with trephination and drainage treatment for acute epidural hematoma in our hospital were reviewed.
116 Objective To evaluate the analgetic and rehabilitative effect of epidural analgesia and continuous femoral nerve block after total knee replacement.
117 I pethidine and then the epidural [], which was bliss.
118 Objective To evaluate the effect of combined subarachnoid epidural analgesia (CSEA) in labor pain relief and its side effects and selective bias in nulliparous women.
119 Objective To compare the effects between dexamethasone and droperidol on postoperative epidural analgesia for Caesarean operation.
120 Objective To observe the analgesic effects and adverse effects, and safety of cervical plexus combined with epidural block on thyro-operation.
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