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Epidural in a sentence

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Sentence count:150Posted:2018-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: duralsubduralproceduralprocedural languagetepidepidermintrepidepidemicMeaning: n. regional anesthesia resulting from injection of an anesthetic into the epidural space of the spinal cord; sensation is lost in the abdominal and genital and pelvic areas; used in childbirth and gynecological surgery. adj. on or outside the dura mater. 
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1 They gave my wife an epidural when she was giving birth.
2 Some mothers choose to have an epidural when giving birth.
3 Indeed, in many studies epidural analgesia has been shown to be beneficial.
4 But as the drip and epidural took effect, I felt wonderful.
5 She was given an epidural so that she could tolerate oxytocin augmentation.
6 Epidural Analgesia Epidural analgesia is a frequently used method of pain control that successfully numbs the pain of contractions for most mothers.
7 The epidural numbs you from the waist down so I couldn't feel any of the contractions.
8 All the women were choosed epidural anaesthesia 1.5% lidocaine.
9 Postoperative Lumbar Epidural Hematoma: Does Size Really Matter?
10 OBJECTIVE: To assess the mechanism of epidural injection of collagenase in animal models of lumbar disc degeneration.
11 Methods. Fifty-seven patients undergoing caudal epidural injection for low back pain associated with radicular leg pain were randomly allocated into 2 groups.
12 Conclusion Single epidural anesthesia is the best method for cesarean section.
13 Conclusion: Lymphoma with spinal epidural or intradural involvement at initial presentation is an aggressive disease.
14 Conclusion: Stress response can be relieved by epidural anesthesia in patients undergoing thoracic operation.
15 Applied to surgical anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, including caesarean section, regional anesthesia, acute pain control,( labor analgesia.
16 Objective:To investigate the effects and safety of continuous epidural anesthesia(CEA) combined with acute hypervolemic hemodilution(AHH) and controlled hypotension(CH) on blood conservation.
17 Conclusions The general anesthesia combined epidural block is a good method and worth to spread.
18 And after two and a half hours, the doctor made the decision for me and gave me the epidural.
19 No randomised study has ever shown that these negative aspects of childbirth are a result of epidural analgesia.
20 They were both born by Caesarean, one under general anaesthetic and one under an epidural.
21 In such a case(, the cesarean section and the epidural might not have been necessary.
22 The usual medication administered in this situation is a continuous epidural infusion.
23 Objective To explore the effect and adverse effect of using 0.1% dicaine with tramadol and dexamethasone in postoperative epidural analgesia.
24 Official figures show that the number of mothers-to-be who receive an epidural, general or spinal anaesthetic has soared in recent years to 36.5%.
25 Group B:105 cases, propylene tabor phenol with intravenous anesthesia epidural block anesthesia.
26 Objective: To investigate the therapy method and effect with trephination and drainage for acute epidural hematoma.
27 Objective To discuss the proper sedative and anterograde amnesia dosage of midazolam in epidural anaesthesia during lower abdominal and lower limb operation.
28 For example , when a woman is giving birth, she might request an epidural anesthesia.
29 Objective:To observe the effects of general anesthesia (GA) combined with epidural block anesthesia in thoracic operation.
30 Results. Patients with lumbar and cervical perineural cysts were treated successfully with oral and epidural steroid therapy.
More similar words: duralsubduralproceduralprocedural languagetepidepidermintrepidepidemicdurabledurancediabetes insipidusepidermalepididymisepidermicepidermisobduracyindurateobduratehondurasdurablesdurativedurationepidermoidepidemicalnondurabledura materenduranceendurableperdurablelepidoptera
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