Synonym: discharge, give off, ooze, send out. Similar words: extremity, anti-semitism, omit, demise, anemic, remind, anemia, remiss. Meaning: [ɪ'mɪt] v. 1. expel (gases or odors) 2. give off, send forth, or discharge; as of light, heat, or radiation, vapor, etc. 3. express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words).
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31. Metal filaments that emit electrodes in a fluorescent lamp.
32. Can't emit instruction into a structure definition.
33. Their works subsequently emit strong folk tinct.
34. Finally, we loop through the tag list, and emit some new marked-up text.
35. Emit ONE vertical line and one horizontal line, plumb below point.
36. On the downside, CRTs are very bulky, emit considerable electromagnetic radiation[], and can cause eyestrain due to their refresh-induced flicker.
37. What is radioactive?In the natural world, where the atomic nucleus unstable, can spontaneously emit radiation, some time into other elements atomic nucleus elements called radioelement .
38. If ghost create an image that falls on our retinas the must emit light.
39. When associated debugging with Pico-satellite, the Ground System is succeeded to emit data, receive and retrieve images taken by the on-satellite CMOS camera clearly.
40. To roast or calcine until they emit a crackling sound or until crackling stops.
41. Dark matters do not emit, absorb or reflect light ray of any wavelength.
42. The matrix of dots on a CRT screen(or TV set) that emit light when bombarded by an electron beam.
43. You can monitor certain service components by selecting those monitoring points to emit events to CEI, or you can get performance statistics by PMI or ARM.
44. The sauna is supposed to emit radiation in the infrared part of the spectrum, which adjoins the microwave spectrum.
45. Emit two vertical line and three horizontal line, plumb below point.
46. To roast or calcine (crystals or salts) until they emit a crackling sound or until crackling stops.
47. When an ideal diode was alive under a magnetic field, it could emit a thermal electron from its negative plate.
48. Ethanol solution can emit visible fluorescence when induced by UV light.
49. Cars driving 15,( 000km a year emit approximately 101 grammes of sulphur oxide gases (or SOx) in that time.
50. Catalpa wood is used for the base, and there are two holes, one big and on small (called the "phoenix pool"and "dragon pond", respectively) to emit the sound.
51. An influence on a post - synaptic neuron which reduces the probability that the neuron emit a spike.
52. The reason, Fang says, is simple: Carbon nanotubes have a very low field-emission voltage, which means lower voltage is needed to emit the electrons that produce an image.
53. Most metallic and some nonmetallic elements will emit characteristic radiations.
54. Once all of the push-down methods are mapped for a CMP/A bean, emit the UDPDMI for that bean, so that the deployer can fill this in with the appropriate logic.
55. Ndiaye tube will emit a bee sting to god, god not feel pain.
56. One simply has to emit a compiler warning when a loop variable is being changed.
57. The end probe, which is called if the user presses Ctrl-C, provides the means to emit the captured data.
58. Mr Obama wants to auction off, rather than give away , permits to emit carbon dioxide.
59. They emit light and are then converted into oxyluciferin, which cannot produce light.
60. Sign: Your skin yellows, and you emit a foul, unwashed odor.