Similar words: embrace, embracing, remembrancer, bracer, intracerebral, rembrandt, membrane, embrasure.
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1. I acknowledge that I am a change embracer.
2. It is the embracer of information and the object of communication and it is the core of the information feedback.
3. Laser is energy provider and processing objects are energy embracer in the laser micro processing system.
4. In this way I acquired two additional names: "Twain, the Filthy Corruptionist," and "Twain, the Loathsome Embracer."
5. As the fourth media, network has more advantages than the press, broadcasting, movie and TV. First, everyone can be information promulgator, disseminator and embracer.
More similar words: embrace, embracing, remembrancer, bracer, intracerebral, rembrandt, membrane, embrasure, membranous, remembrance, cell membrane, fetal membrane, remembrance day, plasma membrane, serous membrane, mucous membrane, basilar membrane, synovial membrane, semimembranosus, in remembrance of, day of remembrance, permeable membrane, tympanic membrane, racer, brace, semipermeable membrane, tracer, braced, braces, tracery.