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Eavesdropping in a sentence

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Sentence count:57Posted:2016-09-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: choppingdippingweaveleavedropsdrop outdrop offdrop by
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(31) After eavesdropping on our conversation, he sneaked away.
(32) It means little advantage for eavesdropping.
(33) No, not eavesdropping on the conversations of strangers.
(34) It provides anonymous connections which prevent both eavesdropping and traffic analysis from revealing the identifying information of the correspondent and the content of the communication.
(35) that Phoebus Apollo was actually eavesdropping on the poet's discourse.
(36) Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now ( man - in - the - middle attack )!
(37) The United States is also seriously considering the use of Basic Access Control (BAC) to reduce the possibility of skimming or eavesdropping when the passport is read at ports-of-entry.
(38) Risa immediately showed up at the window and Shunsui told her that she shouldn't be eavesdropping on Captains meetings. She protested that its human instinct to want to know what is hidden from them.
(38) Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
(39) She looked at Joseph and saw that he was shamelessly eavesdropping.
(40) You can encrypt network data on specific ports to prevent network eavesdropping with a network protocol analyzer.
(41) I'm sorry for eavesdropping, but don't you think your conversation is a little inappropriate?
(42) His job , eavesdropping for the secret service, can be stressful and unpleasant.
(43) How can you expect people to get worked up over this if they don't care about eavesdropping or eminent domain?
(44) In soaps, people are always stumbling upon one another, accidentally overhearing or deliberately eavesdropping on private conversations.
(45) He turned up a file called Interceptor, which other researchers identified as a tool for eavesdropping.
(46) The information eavesdropping techniques of spectral phase - coded OCDMA system were investigated.
(47) Data interception: Involves eavesdropping on communications or altering data packets being transmitted.
(48) The news was got through eavesdropping on the parents's conversation.
(49) Why are you packing the eavesdropping machine in his telephone?
(50) Eavesdropping at doors and peeping round corners, we used to get our full share of this feast of poetry, so plentiful was it, with so much to spare.
(51) General Michael Hayden who has overseen electronic eavesdropping and code breaking for the intelligence community as chief of the highly secretive National Security Agency for the past six years.
(52) The bill, formally known as the FISA Amendments Act, effectively shields telephone companies from lawsuits for participating in a government eavesdropping program.
(53) Host marking pheromones sometimes may bring adverse effects on the releaser, such as eavesdropping and cleptoparasitism.
(54) Among those steps may be more electronic eavesdropping, spy satellite coverage and more informants on the ground, independent intelligence specialists said.
(55) British Prime Minister Cameron 13 requires independent commission of inquiry into eavesdropping incident to investigate.
(56) In order to eliminate eavesdropping on the information included in the initial key string, more protections should be needed through the way of getting the secure key from the initial key.
(57) I don't like eavesdropping on people talking on the phone.
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  • Willie 2023-02-23 18:52:56
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