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Dusk in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+8Posted:2017-03-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: darkeveninggloomnightfallshadesundownsunsettwilightAntonym: dawnSimilar words: at dusktuskmuskdustdustyexodusindustrydustpanMeaning: [dʌsk]  n. the time of day immediately following sunset. v. become dusk. 
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211. In the dusk of the moonless if starry night, lights from windows shone vividly.
212. These guys followed me from dawn till dusk in Beijing without me even noticing! grrr...
213. We have notice that the time of wedding was obscure in documents and different in marriage custom surveys. So when we go deeper into the studying the dusk images in love poems...
214. The mansion's famous fa?ade is featured on the issue's cover, photographed at dusk and standing ready to welcome its next residents—President John F. Kennedy and his family.
215. The momentum fluxes by VTand EC both have many apices, and smaller at dawn and dusk than the rest of a day, whichacts in accord with the diurnal variation of the wind speed in grassland.
216. The Dusk dove toward the twilight demarcation line of the planet.
217. At dusk , Murias' unit shows up at a cattle ranch near the Rio Grande that he hears is a hideout for gunmen.
218. After five hours, we at last pull up to our inn, along the steep, narrow main drag of Angangueo at dusk.
219. Pretty soon we headed into another siding at a small railroad town and I figured I needed a poorboy of Tokay wine to complete the cold dusk run to Santa Barbara.
220. By the time he let us go, it was dusk, and shiveringly cold.
221. Above, a picture of Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, at dusk.
222. During the month-long holiday, Muslims seeking spiritual purification fast from dawn till dusk.
223. The diurnal water deficit of xerophilous and mesophilous species was low, and super-xerophilous species had gradually increasing diurnal water deficit from dawn to dusk.
224. I once believed that the essence of life is the "Reader's Digest" advocated by those who, at dusk, reed pipe wind and rain after the two pairs of grasping hands, a bowl of Yang Chunmian.
225. When we mentioned Holland, we may associated with the broad field during dusk time, quiet windmill, bloomy tulips and fresh milk from the best milch cow.
226. Dusk is for homecoming, a wonderfully hollow - and - hungry - for - dinner hour.
227. At dusk we arrived in Yehtao , military headquarters for the Shansi - Hopei - Shantung - Honan Border Region.
228. The camera used was a simple 110 Instamatic with a flash around dusk.
229. Photo Gallery: Plains Two zebras graze the grassland at dusk in Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve.
230. The last day, I aftertaste, enjoy the floweriness of the dusk. The golden sunshine bing away all of the ...
231. The stealthed Dusk moved away from the destroyers, carrier, and cruiser of Admiral Patterson's battle group.
231. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
232. Next time I saw him, he was walking hatless along the street at dusk.
233. Mercury just passed superior conjunction on April 16, but in the days to come it will bolt out to become easily visible low in the west-northwest at dusk.
234. Dusk falls after sunset.
235. Dusk silently palely gets down, dim light of night heavy floats.
236. There are only I myself, the sky, and an old whippoorwill; the bird and I are singing songs at dusk on Mockingbird Hill.
237. It is recommended to stop several hours before sunset so that you will have plenty of time to make camp, go for a swim, prepare dinner, and enjoy the tranquility of the dusk by the lake.
238. Good money was to be had for those that were prepared to work from dawn till dusk.
239. The dusk came gliding into it long before the sun had set.
240. Dusk features an array of choreographic works presented every night at sunset.
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