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Dusk in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+8Posted:2017-03-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: darkeveninggloomnightfallshadesundownsunsettwilightAntonym: dawnSimilar words: at dusktuskmuskdustdustyexodusindustrydustpanMeaning: [dʌsk]  n. the time of day immediately following sunset. v. become dusk. 
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181. They must have long memories, Mungo thought, lying here in permanent dusk.
182. White in the gathering greyness of dusk he quarters the shrub by ground.
183. There they go now, in the autumn dusk, the male patients in their light pyjamas, while the band plays.
184. Five steam locomotives, sideside, outbound from Chicago dusk, ca.
185. The dusk was shadowing into the trees.
186. The dusk was coming early.
187. The trackmen work very hard from morning till dusk.
188. The shadows lengthened at dusk.
189. Bats are flitting about in the dusk.
190. The dusk was gilded with fireflies.
191. Spreading shades of dusk cover the earth.
192. Just loll there: quiet dusk: let everything rip.
193. He worked from dawn till dusk.
194. Children gravitate toward home at dusk.
195. To the dusk, dribs and drabs drop brokenly.
196. They seem to work from dawn till dusk.
197. As dusk descends on the mountains, a pangolin emerges from its burrow.
198. Early in the morning or at dusk, there maybe one door left unlatched.
199. Block a country house, dusk Ju Dou Ming - yin sit - in.
200. A swing thoracic raw stratus, Juezi into bird meaning, looking at the distant rising Yunxia, clean up my mind, as far as the eye could track the dusk birds in intimacy in into bamboo.
201. In the dusk, a thread of afterglow still lingers in the sky.
201. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
202. The lighting was low-keyed , from dusk to night, in keeping with the eerie atmosphere.
203. It indeed cannot remain too long, in a twinkle, the dusk, like a dream, glides past the hearts of people and flies away with its loneliness, only leaving the dark night.
204. A few searchlights went stabbing through the dusk and then faded.
205. Here, the dusk is sudden, the night silent, the panoply of stars immense and brilliant.
206. The UNSC prowler Dusk hovered in the shadow zone of the fourth planet's moon.
207. It was, I dare swear, the one and only occasion in the annals of His Majesty's army when two regiments have been drawn up and drilled by their commanding general in the dusk after too good a dinner.
208. Nexttime I saw him, he was walking hatless along the street dusk.
209. Centenary war: dusk earth in sunset, a sough grass land with a sort of dreariness and a great centenary war to begin.
210. Pictured above earlier this month, a network of noctilucent clouds cast an eerie white glow after dusk, above the the city of Edmonton, in Alberta, Canada.
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