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Drugged in a sentence

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Sentence count:60+1Posted:2017-02-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: drugstrugglemuggerstruggle forsuggestbuggerydoggedraggedMeaning: [drʌg]  adj. under the influence of narcotics. 
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31. She grabbed the chairback, her head thick with drugged sleep, then lowered herself to the floor and sat there cross-legged.
32. Collins says she was drugged and then raped on their first date.
33. I would have loved a drink, but I thought it might be drugged.
34. Raina, who is still missing, was reportedly drugged with methamphetamines and raped March 13.
35. Drugged again, they regained consciousness outside the valley in anguish that it had all been a dream.
36. All the women agreed that Sherman served them drinks they had not seen him prepare and said they later felt very drugged.
37. They're treated as if they're mentally disabled and are sometimes even drugged.
38. They drugged the guard dog with doped meatballs.
39. They drugged the guard and then robbed the bank.
39. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
40. Some of the victims were believed to be drugged.
41. There's plenty land , Sahara's drugged with it. "
42. The drugged man was talking chaotically.
43. My waking came in drugged stages...I had been skulled.
44. He drugged his roommate and stole his money.
45. He lay in a drugged sleep.
46. To be Shanghaied meant to be drugged, kidnapped and forced become a captive deckhand on an outbound ship.
47. The warm room lulled his blood and a deepening sense of fatigue drugged him with sleep.
48. Drugged so heavily he couldn't think lucidly, couldn't remember who he was or his friends.
49. George Lucas creates a sterile 25 th century world in which mankind drugged into a continual stupor.
50. And Lydia, as if drugged, followed him like a shadow , serving , echoing.
51. I could tell you that he overpowered me, he drugged me.
52. When Qui - Gon and Obi - Wan finally find Balog, he has already drugged Tahl.
53. The face of the tall straight woman turned slowly as if drugged to this new speaker.
54. You shouldn't have drunk the wine; it may have been drugged.
55. A tourist was robbed after being given a drugged orange.
56. Medea turns impatiently to the king's daughters, who hover in a trance, drugged by the witch's herbs and humbled by her otherworldly powers. "Why do you hesitate and do nothing?"
57. On top of the haziness created by a fractured childhood, there is confusion created by the fact that we were drugged most of the time.
58. Who doesn't sleep with a drugged - out colleague when they have a chance?
59. They also seized in his cell a half- empty bottle which contained the remains of the stupefying wine with which the soldier had been drugged.
60. He grew tired, and drifted off into a drugged sleep.
More similar words: drugstrugglemuggerstruggle forsuggestbuggerydoggedraggedriggedjuggernautsuggestionstruggle againstdoggedlyshrugdrubdrumfrugalshrug offdrum updrunkendrudgeryquadrupedconundrumsluggishdebuggingbiggerdaggertriggerstaggeralleged
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