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Disadvantage in a sentence

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Sentence count:198+10Posted:2017-02-08Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: drawbackhandicapinconvenienceliabilityAntonym: advantageousSimilar words: advantagetake advantage ofadvanceadvancedadvancingin advancein advance ofadvance bookingMeaning: [‚dɪsəd'vɑːntɪdʒ]  n. the quality of having an inferior or less favorable position. v. put at a disadvantage; hinder, harm. 
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181, Another disadvantage of yield to maturity is that investors do not typically hold bonds to maturity.
182, This last disadvantage can have serious cost and technology implications if the number and toxicity of the volatile compounds are high.
183, In particular, there are complex rules which disadvantage married women.
184, The extent of the company's competitive disadvantage was revealed by internal and external benchmarking against sectoral best practice.
185, In two senses the rural environment currently puts children at a disadvantage.
186, A major disadvantage of chemical control is that pesticides are now applied very inefficiently.
187, Job seekers who lack the education to use information resources effectively are at a disadvantage.
188, We have presented two possible positions in the explanation of ethnic disadvantage.
189, A further disadvantage is the work involved in returning the manure to the field.
190, One disadvantage of copper pipe is that it can cause the loss of the zinc coating from galvanised pipes and water cisterns.
191, Students might also argue that this would put banks at a competitive disadvantage relative to other financial firms. 5.
192, His abusive actions rebounded on him to his disadvantage.
193, It is appropriate to emphasize its major disadvantage.
194, It will be to our mutual disadvantage.
195, Underground lines have the further disadvantage of poor accessibility.
196, His age is against him,( ie is a disadvantage to him.
197, Depression is the third thing that works to my patients' disadvantage.
198, Its disadvantage is to slow down the operation of the processor.
More similar words: advantagetake advantage ofadvanceadvancedadvancingin advancein advance ofadvance bookingpercentageantagonistantagonismantagonizesadistsadismsadisticoutagestagevisagea stagecontagionheritagehostageupstagecottagecontagiousshortageenvisagesabotagedisasterdisagree
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